Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena

By on 15 February 2024
Photo: Alvaro Aguilar

Photo: Alvaro Aguilar

Real, Illustrious and Fervent Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Father Jesus of the Judgement and the Virgin of Hope Macarena

HeVia Crucis with the Lord of Judgment will tour thisFriday 16 February, first of lent, the streets of the parish starting at 18:00 hours, ending at 22:15 hours.

The itinerary will: Basilica, Plaza de la Esperanza Macarena, saint Louis, San Gil, Sagunto, Parras, Reporter, Pumarejo, Aniceto Sáenz, Macarena, Arco, Plaza de la Esperanza Macarena and Basífaces.

As every year, The litters will be carried by brothers belonging to the different groups and collectives Brotherhoodshould be 20 minutes before the set time for your relief.

Thebrothers and sisters who do not belong to any group Specifically, they will also be able to carry the Lord on their shoulders in these two relays: at the height of thenumber 13 from Parras Street (19:20 hours approx.) Yat the end of this same street (19:30 hours approx.). These brothers must be20 minutes before the relay in the places indicated above.

Thebrothers who participate in the procession on the Via Crucis they mustenter - showing your site ticket- by parish of San Gil among the 17:00 Y 17:30 hours.

AbrirThe insignia of the Holy Christ accompanied the processionada de dos ciriales; then a section with the 14 Station crosses and axes – the crosses will be placed behind the litter once their Station ends- and four more sections with the following insignia: Green flag, Social Assistance Script, Foundational Pennant and Purple Flag.

After this ulast section will be locatedto the Governing Board, the Banner of the Brotherhood and the body of acolytes and altar boys preceding the litter of the Lord of Judgment; after them, musical chapel, the Escolania and the Polyphonic Choir.

The Winea complete ser of the Crossonbroadcast throughis fromMacarena Live TV.


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