
It is a custom in Seville visit by mañanaslas -before churches procession of steps-, to see the sacred holders thereof. We also recommend visiting these temples altars badges, where we can see the badges that later become part of the processional courtship.

 sisterhood / Temple  Address / Zone sisterhood / Temple Address / Zone
the Borriquita.
Igl. From Salvador
Plaza del Salvador
Jesus Stripped.
Chapel Molviedro
Plaza de Molviedro
Parr. San Sebastian
C/ San Salvador
Igl. the Third
C / Sun
Center – santa Catalina
Parr. San Julián
Plaza de San Julián
San Julian
San Roque
Parr. San Roque
Plaza de Carmen Benitez
Ronda – Recaredo
The star
Cap. Star
C/ San Jacinto
Igl. S. J. Palma
Pza of S. Juan de la Palma
Church of the Savior
Plaza del Salvador
The Judas Kiss
Igl. from Santiago
Pza. Christ of Redemption
San Leandro – Center
santa Genoveva
Parr. It is. Genoveva
Of. Theatiner
Tyre Line
Santa Marta
Parr. San Andrés
Pza. Fernando de Herrera
San Andres – Center
San Gonzalo
Parr. San Gonzalo
Pza. San Gonzalo
Barrio León – Triana
Cap. Santa Rosalia
C / Cardenal Spinola
The miseries
Parr. San Vicente
C / Cardenal Cisneros
San Vicente – Center
The waters
Cap. of Our Lady. Rosary
C / Dos de Mayo
Arenal – Center
The museum
Cap. Museum
Pza. Museum
Museum – Center
The hill
Parr. of Sorrows
C / N. Mrs. of Sorrows
Cerro del Aguila
Parr. of All Saints
C / Fair
San Esteban
Igl. San Esteban
C / San Esteban
Judería –
The students
Rector University
C / San Fernando
Center – San Fernando
San Benito
Parr. San Benito
C / San Benito
La Candelaria
Parr. St. Nicholas
Pza. Jesus of Health
The Dulce Nombre
Parr. San Lorenzo
Plaza de San Lorenzo
St. lawrence
Santa Cruz
Parr. Santa Cruz
C / Mateos Gago
Judería – Santa Cruz
Parr. from Concept.
C / Christ of Thirst
Saint Bernard
Parr. San Bernardo
C / Cristo Health
Saint Bernard
The good end
Igl. S. Antonio de Padua
C/ San Vicente
St. lawrence
La Launched
Igl. San Martin
Pza. San Martin
San Martin – Alameda
the Baratillo
Cap. of Mercy
C / Adriano
Cristo de Burgos
Parr. San Pedro
Pza. San Pedro
San Pedro – Center
words LasSiete
Parr. San Vicente
C / Cardenal Cisneros
San Vicente – Center
Cap. San Andrés
C/ Orfila
San Andres – Center

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