- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts tagged "outstanding"
Via Crucis at the Exaltation
Pontifical, Real and Illustrious Brotherhood Sacramental, Immaculate Conception, Animas in purgatory, San Sebastián Mártir and Confraternity of Nazarenes of the Holy Christ of the Exaltation and Our Lady of Tears Parroquia de San Román. Realization ...
- Posted March 5, 2021
Via Crucis in the Bitterness
Via Crucis Pious Brotherhood of Bitterness 28 March 20:30 a 21:30 h. hours Brotherhood of Thirst Pious exercise of the Via Crucis presided over by the image of the Stmo, vulgo "Palma", site ...
- Posted March 4, 2021
Via Crucis on Good End
19 March 2021. Via Crucis Pious Brotherhood of Good Weekend Schedule: Pious exercise of the Via Crucis presided over by the image of the Stmo. Cristo del Buen Fin, en la Iglesia de San Antonio de...
- Posted March 4, 2021
Juncal: Solemn function to the Lord Cautivo in Soledad
Juncal. Brotherhood of Juncal Solemn function in honor of Ntro. Father Jesus Captive in Soledad, in the Parish of Ntra. Mrs. El Juncal, Square located at the Sella No. 8. 21...
- Posted March 4, 2021
Gypsies: Quinary the Lord of Health
Gypsies. Solemn Quinary Gypsy Brotherhood in honor of Our. Father Jesus of Health, at the Shrine of Our. Father Jesus of Health and St. Mary of Sorrows Crowned, located at the ...
- Posted March 4, 2021
Juncal: Quinario to the Lord Captive in Soledad
16 al 20 March Time to be defined Parish of Our Lady of Juncal, Plaza Sella, Seville Brotherhood of Juncal Solemn Quinario in honor of Ntro. Father Jesus Captive in Soledad, in the Parish of Ntra. Mrs....
- Posted March 4, 2021
Triduum to Our Lady of Conception
Solemn Triduum Doloroso to Our Lady of Conception 24 al 26 March 2021 Schedule: From 20:00 a 21:00 h. Brotherhood of Silence Solemn Triduo Doloroso in honor of María Stma. de la Concepción,...
- Posted March 3, 2021
Main function to the Lord Institute of divine forgiveness
21 of March. From 13:30 a 15:00 hours Church of Beata Ana María Javouhey, Calle Escritor Alfonso Grosso, Seville Brotherhood of Divine Forgiveness Main function of the Institute in honor of Ntro. Father Jesus of the Divine Forgiveness,...
- Posted March 3, 2021
Pino Montano: Main function to the Lord Institute of Nazareth
14 of March. From 12:00 a 13:30 hours Parish of San Isidro Labrador, street Potters, Sevilla. Brotherhood of Pino Montano Main Function of the Institute in honor of Ntro. Father Jesus of Nazareth, in the Parish of St..
- Posted March 3, 2021
Via Crucis in San José Obrero
San José Obrero. Pious exercise of the Via Crucis presided over by the image of Our Father Jesus of Charity, in the Parish of San José Obrero and San Francisco de Paula, located in Arroyo street nº...
- Posted March 3, 2021