- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts tagged "featured"
Via Crucis in Wonders
27 of March. From 20:00 a 21:00 hours. Santa Maria de la Cabeza Parish, Sevilla, Spain. Asociación Parroquial de las Maravillas Pious Exercise of the Via Crucis presided over by the image of Ntro. Father Jesus ...
- Posted March 11, 2021
Marian exaltation in San Benito
26 of March. From 21:00 a 22:00 hours. Parroquia de San Benito, Luis Montoto Street, Sevilla, Spain. Brotherhood of San Benito XXX Exaltation in honor of Our Lady. Mrs. of the Incarnation, in the Parish of ...
- Posted March 11, 2021
Via Crucis in the Bitterness
Via Crucis Pious Brotherhood of Bitterness 28 March 20:30 a 21:30 h. hours Brotherhood of Thirst Pious exercise of the Via Crucis presided over by the image of the Stmo, vulgo "Palma", site ...
- Posted March 4, 2021
Way of the Cross in Padre Pio
Day 19 of March. From 19:30 a 20:30 hours Brotherhood of Padre Pio Pious exercise of the Way of the Cross presided over by the image of Our Father Jesus of Health and Clemency, in the Parish of the Good Shepherd..
- Posted February 27, 2021
Mass in Roma
Day 25 of March. From 20:00 a 21:00 hours Church of the Gypsies, Veronica street, Seville Brotherhood of the Gypsies Solemn Eucharist in the Sanctuary of Ntro. Father Jesus of Health and Holy Mary of the...
- Posted February 27, 2021
San Buenaventura: Triduum to Our Lady of Solitude
From the 2 al 6 of March, At 19:00 hours Brotherhood of Solitude of San Buenaventura Solemn Triduum in honor of Ntra. Mrs. of Solitude, in the Church of San Buenaventura, located at the ...
- Posted February 12, 2021
Sevilla Este: Triduum to the Lord of Humility
Association of the Faithful of the Lord of Humility Solemn Triduum in honor of Our. Father Jesus of Humility, from the Parish of Ntra. Mrs. de los Angeles and Santa Angela de la ...
- Posted February 9, 2021
Quinary Christ Mission
Mission. Hermandad de la Misión Solemne Quinario en honor del Sto. Christ Mission, in the Parish of St. Anthony Mary Claret, located at Avenida. Father Garcia Tejero, with the following order of worship:...
- Posted February 4, 2021
Via Crucis in the Divine Forgiveness
divine Forgiveness. Hermandad del Divino Perdón Piadoso ejercicio del Vía Crucis presidido por la imagen de Ntro. Father Jesus of the Divine Forgiveness, in the Church of the Blessed Ana María Javohuey, located at ...
- Posted February 4, 2021
Torreblanca: Quinary the Captive Lord before Pilate
Dolores de Torreblanca. Hermandad de los Dolores de Torreblanca Solemn Quinario in honor of Our. Captive Father Jesus before Pilate, in the Parish of San Antonio de Padua, located at the Plaza de ...
- Posted February 3, 2021