All posts tagged "Cofrades acts Seville May 2015"

  • 31 of May. Mariana exultation in the Pure and Clean

    Pure and Clean. XLIII Act of Exaltation of the Pure and Clean Virgin of the Oil Postigo, by Julio Dominguez Cuesta. The event will take place in the Plaza del Cabildo, next to the Chapel. Will intervene ...

    • Posted May 31, 2015
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  • 31 of May. Function and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament

    Cerro del Águila. Solemn ceremony in honor of the Blessed Sacrament presided by Alberto López Tena, pastor and spiritual director. Parish of Our Lady of Sorrows located on the street of Our Lady of Sorrows. To its...

    • Posted May 31, 2015
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  • 31 of May. Solemn role in Esperanza Macarena

    Esperanza Macarena. Mass function of the XLIX Commemorative anniversary of the dedication of the Temple and LI of the Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of Hope presided and preached by Archbishop Carlos Amigo Vallejo, OF M. Cardinal of Santa María ...

    • Posted May 31, 2015
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  • 30 of May. Function solemn San Fernando Rey

    Cabildo Cathedral and Association Virgen de los Reyes. Mass at the Altar of the Jubilee on the occasion of the the Saint King, San Fernando, presided over by Bishop Juan Jose Asenjo Pelegrina, Arzobispo de Sevilla y...

    • Posted May 30, 2015
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  • 30 of May. Exaltation at the Holy Supper

    Supper. XLIII Act of Exaltation of the Holy Eucharist by Guillermo Mira Abaurrea. Church of Our Lady of Consolation, common people of the Third, located in Calle Sol. 30 of May. 21:00 a 22:30 hours

    • Posted May 30, 2015
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  • 30 of May. Triduum of the Blessed Sacrament

    Sacramental de San Pedro. Solemne Triduo en honor del Santísimo Sacramento ocupando la Sagrada Cátedra Carlos Colón Perales, pastor of the Divine Savior of Castilblanco de los Arroyos. Parroquia de San Pedro sita en la Plaza de San Pedro....

    • Posted May 30, 2015
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  • 30 of May. Triduum and levees to Our Lady of Bereavement and Visitation

    Passion and Death. Solemn Triduum in honor of Our Lady of Bereavement and Visitación. Parish of Our Lady of Good Air located in Calle Virgen de Fatima, 5. During the days of worship, la imagen permanecerá en...

    • Posted May 30, 2015
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  • 29 of May. Act in the Pastora de San Antonio

    Pastora San Antonio. Act of casting of organ donor candles in the passage of the Divina Pastora de las Almas. The older brother will intervene, José Antonio Mejias and Dr.. Jose Perez Bernal, coordinator of ...

    • Posted May 29, 2015
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  • 29 of May. Transfer in Vera-Cruz

    Vera-Cruz. Solemne Traslado de las imágenes del Santísimo Cristo de la Vera-Cruz y María Santísima de las Tristezas. Desde la Capilla del Dulce Nombre de Jesús sita en la calle Jesús de la Vers-Cruz hasta la Parroquia de...

    • Posted May 29, 2015
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  • 29 of May. Triduum to San Fernando Rey

    Peace and Mercy. Solemn Triduum in honor of San Luis and San Fernando in the following order: Triduum exercise and Eucharist. Parroquia de San Fernando and San Luis located in Calle Juan Carvallo. During the days...

    • Posted May 29, 2015
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