- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
Solemn Quinary to the Holy Christ of Health (carreteria). 2013
Solemn Quinary to the Holy Christ of Health. Of the 11 al 15 February. 20:00 hours, with Recitation of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Exercise of the Quinary and then the celebration of the Holy Mass.
On Friday 15 de febrero habrá Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento, con Bendición y Reserva, It will start at 19:00 hours.
La homilia estará a cargo del Muy Ilustre D. Manuel Sánchez Sánchez, Delegado Diocesano de Catequesis y Párroco de Nuestra Señora de Gracia de Camas.
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