Did you know? … The legend of the Father who saw Esperanza de Triana cry for his child

By on 4 April 2023

As they told me so I tell you…

We meet at the end of the years 70 in Madrid, the capital of Spain and a boy of about fifteen years, in love with the beauty of Esperanza de Triana whom he knew from stamps and photographs, but whom I had never seen.

Such was the passion he felt for the Virgin that he convinced his father to go down to Seville and see her through the streets of Triana in La Good Friday morning.

The father, what a good father he was, he allowed himself to be convinced by his son and they undertook a trip to Seville to fulfill his wish for the child. When they arrived in our city they went to meet the Queen of Triana and this is where the legend begins.

The child, upon meeting face to face with the Virgin, he could not stop looking at his Esperanza admiring her beauty, but while, his father and inexplicably, I saw her crying, but with real tears. He immediately told his son and he replied saying that this was the result of his imagination, or that it would be an effect of light, of the candles… or whatever, but that the Virgin was impossible to cry…

Such was the marvelous intensity of the experience lived, that they promised to repeat the following year and they did so. When they met again in the street with the Esperanza de Triana, what happened a year before was repeated. That father saw how real tears flowed from the Virgin's eyes and he made his son see it like that. And he told him the same, that it was impossible, that he did not see that and that his Hope was not crying at all, much less with real tears. they were glass, like the ones that all virgins wear.


Father and son returned to Madrid, his city of residence and after a few months the child fell seriously ill, passing away.

When the following Holy Week arrived and most probably the result of that immense love for his son, That good father summoned up the courage and courage to go to Seville for another year and see at Dawn that Hope that we all have and that today he would also see in the eyes of his “boy”. but looking at her, He no longer saw those tears so real, our queen no longer cried…  The Virgin had a small smile that told her: “Do not worry, your child is with me”. 


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