- Transfer the Esperanza de Triana. Easter 2025
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- Poster Holy Week in Seville 2025
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
Curiosities of Seville. Did you know…?
Brotherhood of San Gonzalo had during his early years of life…
As protector to General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano, who presided on several occasions of Penitence.
In 1923 Brotherhood of the Museum changed the day of its Station of Penance…
Passing the penultimate place last Friday to Easter Monday. The reason for this change was the coincidence of constant downpours that day of the week and the small number of people who saw the Brotherhood in the street.
The curious fact is that precisely this year 1923, rains prevented – in spite of the change of day- the Brotherhood of the Museum Station Pnitencia make the streets of Seville.
Many years ago who would travel from outside Sevilla….
Before passing the Puerta de Carmona, They stood in front of a window that was in the Church of San Esteban. Ali had a bust of the Lord made in terracotta, they called “The Lord of the Window” and they asked him to make a good trip…. From there, the part “viajera” the Christ of Health and Good Voyage.
The Guild of Students was in 1973….
The first to have a gang of brothers own bearers.
The Borriquita originally was independent Brotherhood…
He joined the Love 1618, when both came out on Holy Wednesday. Borriquita Brotherhood was founded in the last third of the sixteenth century..
there was an entry into Jerusalem in the Barrio de Triana…
The exact name of the Brotherhood was the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem and Holy Mary of Homelessness. Its rules were approved on 1666. This trianera corporation ended because of the French invasion, lost his footsteps, goods and some images.
Brotherhood of Peace was founded at the end of the Civil War…
Specifically, the ecclesiastical authority approved the rules of the Brotherhood 29 May 1939.
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Brotherhood of Peace was founded at the end of the Civil War…
Specifically, the ecclesiastical authority approved the rules of the Brotherhood 29 May 1939.
On Easter 1782 was forbidden Nazarenes might carry the face covered with a mask…
But in the procession of the Brotherhood of the Star some Nazarenes failed to meet this standard and four of them were apprehended and while being taken to jail Archbishop's Palace, They were released thanks to the people who witnessed the procession and those who formed the procession.
For centuries the image of the crucified Christ of Love…
It was attributed to Martinez Montanes, however it is the work of Juan de Mesa.
The Brotherhood of Rocio is set to 1955 and his intention was…
At first do your Penance station in the early hours of Friday.. it's more, even a representation came in Roma.
The Brotherhood of the Macarena donated all flowers….
May Our Lady of Mercy of the Brotherhood of St. Genevieve took in 1958 during his first processional exit.
The Brotherhood of Santa Marta in the beginning could not be…
Brotherhood of Penance and Brotherhood of Gloria was.
The most expensive robe nazareno…
Holy Week in Seville is that of Hdad. Hope of Triana.
It has the mask and velvet robe, merino wool coat, shield Hdad. embroidered in gold thread and cingulate with purple threads, green and gold.
Approximate value 120.000 ptas = 721 Euros
There are two allegorical steps (symbolic representation of abstract ideas by figures), In sevilla
The Triumph of the Holy Cross over death and sin, popularly known as the passage of the “canine” the Hdad. of Entombment.
The passage of Decree Stma. Trinity Hdad. Trinity
In Seville procesionan three Christs with tortoiseshell and silver cross…
Jesus of Sorrows, the Hdad. of Sorrows of San Vicente
Jesus Nazareno, the Hdad. of Silence
Jesus Nazareno, the Hdad. of O
Nazarenes forming the cortege of the Hdad. of Silence…
They carry candles suspended at mid-height, until the pallium passage of the Virgin of La Conception, He has not left his church of San Antonio Abad.
When this happens, up the candles and take it the rest of the procession, like all other brotherhoods robes tail, supported at the waist over the belt width Esparto.
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A side vent passage…
Hope of Triana, there is a little angel with a pacifier with her silver chain.
There are two steps pallium carrying jugs and golden vents…
The passage of Our Lady of Refuge Hdad. San Bernardo.
The passage of Our Lady of Loreto of Hdad. San Isidoro, This step also takes gold the poles, the base and candelería
In all other palls of Seville, the jewelry is silver.
The only Christ of parading back the march of Jesus to Annas step is the Hdad. Dulce Nombre (“the Bofetá”)
There are only two steps of Christ made of silver:
The passage of Jesus of the Passion of Hdad. Passion (eight years of work and 200 Kg. silver)
The passage of Jesus of Mercy of the Hdad. Las Palabras Sietes
Contrary to what many people think the pallium of Hope Macarena is not green but maroon
Nazarenes of Seville, layer of the brotherhoods
For young children do not panic, they give them candy, from time immemorial but there is an exception. Hdad. Bakers, It gives children, peaks bread.
The candelería step canopy of the Virgin of Regla, the Hdad. BAKERS…
It is positioned so that the first batch of candles form two crosses of St. Andrew, on the front step (two X)
There are four steps in Seville carrying horses or horses in their Mysteries…
Hdad. Sagrada entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, “the Borriquita”, Jesus riding a donkey.
Hdad. of the Holy Launched, with Longinus riding
Hdad. Exaltation “santa Catalina”, two centurions with horses
Hdad. Hope of Triana, centurion on horseback
The pallium passage of the brotherhood of Cerro…
It has a tiny silver cage hanging from one of his chandeliers tail, and within it there is a small bird.
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The Christ of Love leads after cross a pelican representing the symbol of love…
It tells the medieval legend that a pelican back to life her dead offspring with his own blood, esparciándola on them after opening the chest to pecking.
Similarly we must not forget how Jesus shed his blood for the salvation of men in proof of Love. Pelican also appears in the bucket of Jesus Nazarene Brotherhood of Silence.
The Star is known for “the Brave”
Because in the year 1932.
during the Republic, It was the only brotherhood that made station of penance during Holy Week, despite religious persecution existente.La Star was stoned in the Rioja and Tetuan streets and fired three pistol shots in the Plaza del Triunfo. Yet he completed his journey to return to his neighborhood Triana
The Christ of the Expiration of the brotherhood of Museum…
It is made of a special paste whose composition is unknown. author, Marcos Cabrera, I saw the Aztec Indians use on a trip to Mexico. Legend has it that to prevent the image could copy the carver had to pull molds the Guadalquivir.
The Cristo de la Vera Cruz…
It is smaller and the same time the oldest of which procession through the streets of Seville during Easter.
In the Entombment…
an allegorical step appears popularly known as “canine” representing the triumph of the Cross over death and hence the legend that can read “His death trampled”. This step through the streets of Seville on Holy Saturday and he meditates see a skeleton sitting on a globe next to a dead dragon that symbolizes sin.
Silence, the oldest Brotherhood of Holy Week –
Named for its rigor and composure during Penitence Station. Nazarenes of this brotherhood – carry the cross upside down, reverse usual, as does the Nazarene- and during its journey through the streets of Seville in the early hours of Friday they can not talk and always look forward (Nor can rotate the head back).
Our Father Jesus of Great Power…
It is known by the Lord of Seville by the great devotion that professes our city
The Calvary…
It is one of the most austere brotherhoods of the Holy Week in Seville. During the whole of Penitence in the “Madrugá” Calvary brothers keep strict silence.
The Brotherhood of Bitterness…
It is known for White Silence, because despite being one of the so-called serious brotherhoods (Brotherhood of silence) wearing white robes instead of black. By the way, the first painful sevillana was canonically crowned the Virgin of Bitterness, in 1954.
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Until the mid-nineteenth century the Brotherhood of the Negritos…
Brothers admitted only black. To understand this fact we must go back to the creation of brotherhood. In the late nineteenth Gloria brotherhood it was founded to welcome blacks. This brotherhood was later joined a brotherhood of penance of blacks had been founded in 1554.. hence comes the prohibition of accepting Caucasian brothers.
In the poles of passage of the Virgin of Mercedes…
Santa Genoveva are the shields of Betis and Sevilla.
The longer it takes brotherhood…
In making its Station of Penance is the Thirst. The Brotherhood that runs more kilometers is El Cerro del Aguila. The shortest route is La Borriquita and The Entombment.
The only virgin who has the blue eyes…
It is the Consolation (Thirst), the Virgen del Valle has them green, and all other sizes have them brown
La Sagrada Mortars…
She takes in its courtship during Penitence Station 18 ciriales, representing the 18 people who were present at the burial of Jesus Christ
Each year a ritual is repeated, whereby several Nazarenes of the Great Power…
Visit the Basilica of the Macarena to request permission. Now we explain a little historical evolution of this event:
In the year 1776 the Brotherhood of the judgment gave way to the Great Power
For the latter entered before her in the Cathedral of Seville, but with the only condition that each year before the start of the Great Power would have to ask the appropriate permission to the Macarena, moving to the Parish of San Gil Nazarenes a deputation from the district of San Lorenzo.
In 1777 the ceremony came from the Macarena begins with the Great Power
The latter would brotherhood of Penitence Station following the brotherhood of Silence at dawn on Friday.
In 1799 Macarena received an originating office of Great Power
In expressing “they want and beg unite under an indissoluble harmony with Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence”. The following year the Governing Board of the Brotherhood of the Macarena approve the trade sent by the Brotherhood of the Great Power.
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In the Cabildo Making year Hours 1902
The Brotherhood of the Macarena requested authorization to change the route in a small sector of the route before its entry into the Official Career, but the request was not granted by the absolute refusal of the representative of the Brotherhood of the Great Power. At the same Board of Governors of the Brotherhood of the Macarena was the following words: “Big Brother said that in view of the Brotherhood of the Great Power did not comply with the provisions of asking leave to do their station in advance of Our Lady of Hope, it is agreed unanimously and using our rights to the station in the rightful place, that is to say, after the Brotherhood of Our. Father Jesus Nazarene Brotherhood of Silence”.
This happened in the station Penance 1902
When the Brotherhood of the Macarena stood in front of the Great Power at the entrance to the Official Race. He 16 March 1903 Mr. Archbishop advised the Brotherhoods of the Great Power and the Macarena to sign a Concordia. This was signed on 24 March of that year and lasts until today, having recently celebrated its centenary.
In the procession of the brotherhood of Silence…
a candle is included- symbol of faith in the dogma of the Immaculate Conception – with the shield of brotherhood and a Nazarene with a sword – Blood test vote in the defense thereof
The March “Solea give me your hand” It is not dedicated to any of the two solitudes of Holy Week in Seville…
This march is dedicated to the Esperanza de Triana.
The reason of his birth was as follows: A year Hope returned to Triana by Pastor and Landero, at that time he was there Jail Pópulo (Current Market Arenal). One prisoner sang to the Virgin an arrow saying:
“Soleá, give me your hand
ed to the grid,
I have many brothers
Orphans stop and mare”
The composer Manuel Font de Alta witnessed the event and the moment was so taken that he composed the march to the Queen of Triana
The March “Pass Campanilleros”…
It was dedicated by the master Farfán the Christ of the Seven Words, Holder said the Brotherhood of the Seven Words
The March “Estrella Sublime” Teacher also Farfan…
It is dedicated to the Virgen de la Estrella, but the Hiniesta
The puppy has a legend that says…
a gypsy of Triana in full agony served as a model to imaginero Ruiz Gijon. When the image of Christ of the Expiration procesionó through the streets of Triana everyone he looked amazed the resemblance between Christ and the gypsy died who was known by the nickname “The puppy”, hence its name . . .
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