- Transfer the Esperanza de Triana. Easter 2025
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- Poster Holy Week in Seville 2025
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- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
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- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
Real Sacramental Brotherhood of the Holy Burial of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Triumph of the Holy Cross on Death and the Virgin of Villaviciosa
Convento de San Gregorio (C/ Alfonso XII).
3 Steps (triumph of the cross, Entombment and Virgen de Villaviciosa).
IMAGES: The Triundo of the Cross is A. Cardoso de Quiros (1693). Christ was carved by Juan de Mesa (XVII). The Virgin is Quiroz (1693). The Mystery is the work of Juan de Astorga (1829).
Dressing room: Manuel Vargas.
embroidery: Mantle of the Dolorosa and clothes-images of Teresa del Castillo (1880).
NAZARENOS: 130 more representations of the brotherhoods (300).
FOREMEN: Alfonso Hijón 1st step. Rafael Vera 2nd step. Federico Barrero 3rd step.
COSTALEROS: 24/35/40
DURATION: It takes to go 45 mins aprox.
COATS: Ropón negro, old style, and black mask.
MUSIC: Chapel in the “Canina”. Polyphonic Choir and Symphonic Band Municipal de Sevilla after the Urn. Music Unit of the General Headquarters of the Ground Force after the passage of the Duel.
Social work: Casco Antiguo collaborate with the Foundation in sustaining their commissary, plus assistance to a large number of parishioners with his bag of charity.
PREMIERES 2024: Does not have
RECOMMENDED PLACE: In the city Hall.
HIGHLIGHT: The brothers accompanying the recumbent Christ will not robed, but in evening dress.
OBSERVATIONS: Part in courtship civil representations, military and religious city, as well as other brotherhoods of Seville. Maintains this courtship different characteristics to the other brotherhoods. Representations of brotherhoods, with their robes, will give a special coloring. First, known as "The Dog", It is a curious allegorical step. In step known as “canine” there is a hidden caller between the skirts step. Figure in courting a squadron of Roman.
HISTORICAL FACTS: The Brotherhood of the Holy Burial had to originate in the heat of a devotional practices that were known in Spain since the time of King Alfonso X the Wise.
PREMIERES 2023: The Brotherhood has organized the Santo Entierro Grande (haz click)
PREMIERES 2022: Does not have
Premieres 2017: Federico Barrero debuts as foreman passage of the Virgin of Villaviciosa, popularly known as "El Duelo". Restoration of rods and other insignia by Orfebrería Andaluza, and the saya of St. María Magdalena
PREMIERES 2016: Restoration rods, horns, poles, banner, senate, Cross raised and cross guide. New pole for the second step courtship.