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Sweetest fivefold in honor of Jesus Nazareno
Primitive Brotherhood of Nazarenes in Seville, Pontifical and Royal Confraternity of Our Father Jesus Nazareno, Santa Cruz in Jerusalem and Our Lady of Conception.
Tuesday 31 February 4 to Saturday
Hour: 20 h.
Place: Real Iglesia de San Antonio Abad.
During the days 31 January 1, 2, 3, Y 4 February 2017, the Confraternity devoted Tribute, Worship and Glory of his sweet head Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno Solemn Pentads.
Beginning at 20 hours with the following order: Holy Rosary, Exercise Pentads, Solemn Eucharistic Blessing, Reserve Divine Majesty and Mass occupying the Holy Chair the Hon. Sr. D. Eduardo Martin Clemens, Pbro. Canon of the S.I. Cathedral, Parish priest of Santa Cruz de Sevilla and Delegate Diocesan Missions
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