Pictorial Poster presentation at the Esperanza de Triana

By on 19 March 2017
Pictorial Poster Presentation Triana 2017

On Sunday 19 of March, after the celebration of the Solemn Eucharist Septenario in honor of Our Sorrowful. Lady of Hope, will take place at the Royal Parish of Lady Santa Ana announcer presentation Pictorial Poster Easter 2017 published by the Youth of our Sacramental Brotherhood of Hope of Triana.

The artist commissioned to illustrate this edition of pictorial poster is credited the young painter D. Rafael Laureano. In his career after passing through the Antonio Gala Foundation he has consolidated its good work and is one of the most popular poster artists of recent years.

Among others, He is the author of the poster of the Glories of Seville 2014 or the cover of The Caller in 2015. He recently contributed to the poster tribute to "Paquili" in the city of our city of Seville. further, Laureano has participated in national and international exhibitions, cities like Seville, Jerez de la Frontera, Málaga, Tetuan or Venice.

This act will feature musical intervention by the young artist and composer D. Daniel Albarran that delight you with "I am the Hope".


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