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Pregón in the Brotherhood of Thirst

Photo: Hdad. Thirst
Sacramental Brotherhood hospital congregants of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Nazarenes Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Thirst, Our Lady of Consolation Mother of the Church, San Juan Evangelista and San Juan de Dios
Conception Parish (C / Christ of Thirst).
Sunday 26 March at 12 h.
XXXIV pregón 'Notice of Holy Week in Nervion »,
Civic Center "Soto will take place Unionists, Savorido y Acosta», Mariano Benlliure street No. 14.
The opening speech will be in charge of: José Antonio Moncayo Travi, older brother Redemption, Abel González Jinx, San Esteban brother and Angel Ramirez Boyer, San Benito brother.
Municipal Band intervene Mairena del Alcor.
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