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Fertilizer prices chairs and boxes of Official Race Holy Week in Seville
We already have the information on the deadlines and prices for the chairs and boxes subscriptions for Holy Week in 2024.
According to the following schedule.
- Renewal Fertilizers: 01/01/2024 al día 31/01/2024
- Assignment of Fertilizers: 01/01/2024 up to date 31/01/2024
- Request for New Subscriptions online: 01/01/2024 up to date 31/01/2024
- Fertilizers renewal New Award: 06/03/2024 up to date 10/03/2024
- temporary sessions of 1 al 31 of January of 2024 on the web and 16 al 31 January at the Council offices
Attention to the User of09:30 a 13:30 Y 17:00 a 20:00 from Monday to Friday from the day 15 from January to Friday of Dolores.
Customer service telephone955 099 845
Public attention: In the General Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods in c / San Gregorio, n.º 26, phone 955 099 845 , in hours 9:30 a 13:30 and 17:00 a 20:00 hours Monday through Friday, From the day 17 from January, except holidays.
The withdrawal of fertilizers will be made at the headquarters of the Council on the dates indicated during business hours. 9:30 a 13:30 and 17:00 a 20:00 hours Monday through Friday, except holidays.
Assignments can be made at the headquarters of the Council or through the website within the period outlined above..
Changes of ownership and / the domicile, They can be made at the headquarters of the Council of brotherhoods, c/. San Gregorio, n° 26, tfo. 954 21 59 27 since Monday 2 from september to 15 October 2024, in the morning on Thursdays 10,00 h. a 13,00 h. and in the afternoon of 17,00 h. a 20,00
h. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, except holidays.
The dates for withdrawal of fertilizers which will be held at the above address, in hours 9:30 a 13,30 hours and 17 a 20 hours Monday through Friday, except holidays, it will be:
STAGES: 5 al 9 February
BELL: 12 al 16 February
AVENUE: 19 al 23 February
SIERPES: 26 February to 1 of March
PL. VIRGIN OF THE KINGS: 26 February to 1 of March
To download the prices and subscription calendar for Chairs and boxes from 2024 you can click on these links
Information available on the website of the General Council brotherhoods of Seville
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