- Transfer the Esperanza de Triana. Easter 2025
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- Poster Holy Week in Seville 2025
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
Boys watching brotherhoods
Decidedly they failed the pre-Socratic in Seville. In Seville you can bathe twice in the same river. You can swim at least in these great days of spring and distant drums memory. You can swim, in memory, in the same river of your youth. A river or a rite, So what! You know that everything will be as usual, like all years. You know that even those who were going to be here, in the upper balcony of memory, always with the new palm pinned with some ties to the railing. You know what will happen today, which it is the same thing that happened for fifteen, twenty, twenty five years. You have the certainty that it will be the same. What's more people, then you were only the high moon and your young age? It is true. Also it needed now more people then missing, and you know what their names, who are at the high balcony of the new palm watching the brotherhoods like you also you will have to see them, reincarnated in other boys who one day will see the brotherhoods.
You saw yesterday, you'll see them this afternoon. They have taken the Holy Week tip, like us, you remember?, the we caught. They started on Sunday in the Porvenir and end on Saturday, as a pink, as a new pink, in the Trinity. They are four, five, six at most. Unlike us, girls go with them. They walk over them, Look at them with their low shoes and black stockings, with that white women colorcita Sevilla. They know more than they do almost brotherhoods. Otherwise, They are like us then, Diego, Rafael, Chano, Manolo. They are discovering the city. They are in the noblest discovery and conquest. Every year, a new generation discovers the city. They are the guys who, solos, They begin to see the brotherhoods. Until recently it was a horizon chairs official race, Tatas and snacks. And they leave alone. They do not know, as we did not know, but the brotherhoods are for them the thread that leads the secrets of the Labyrinth. Miradlos, Diego, Rafael, Chano, Manolo, and we see ourselves, with the program in hand, San Gonzalo going to San Vicente del Postigo to Santiago. They see the brotherhoods see them as our generation invented. You told me one night, Chano, Lent:
—Our generation was the one who learned to see the brotherhoods in front of the steps…
So I thought about what the river. They, boys watching brotherhoods, They go in that river. —You've seen, Chano, that and we do not get into the living river of Seville? Have you seen that we already were on the sidewalks, corners, in the corners? We feel a certain nostalgia seeing them. We see that same river, quince, twenty, thirty years younger, discovering also well, like them, to Sevilla. But we can bathe twice in the same river. Presocratic messed Sevilla. Van delicate blonde girls, those of low shoes and black stockings, and his smile returns our youth with orange blossom in San Vicente. They go boys of outfits and brilliantine, crumpled the program in your pocket, and in his seven-league boots is our own adolescence discoverer of the secrets of incense among orange, when the Virgen de las Aguas passed through the platform and still had a long way of joy, Colcheros, Weapons, Museum, between drums and scenes to the beat, and we knew Latin and translate and saying: “All athirst come to the waters”…
Rejoice, Sevilla Boys, watching the brotherhoods, repeating the rite of our memory. Our memory goes with you, You travel the same river rite, in which, with you, We bathe twice in the delectation of joy. I forgive that you agolpéis in front of the steps, Because we, do not tell anyone, our generation, It was discovered that closeness of grace caller and zambrana. Rejoice fullness, boys watching brotherhoods. With you we all now holding her hand to Seville repeluco girl that we took that first Easter Monday, to avoid getting lost in paradise on the platform…
Antonio Burgos / Easter boxes
Collected in the book “Sevilla hundred boxes”