- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
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- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
Holy Tuesday 2019. This has been the path of the Brotherhoods
The last day of March the final schedule that will have the brotherhoods of Seville for the Holy Week in Seville was established. Holy Tuesday being the most contentious day, I would spend as.
San Esteban
Hermandad de Nuestro. P. Jesus of Health and Buen Viaje and Maria Stma. Mother and Lady of the Forsaken (Two steps) St. Stephen's Church
ITINERARY: San Esteban, Plaza de Pilatos, Eagles, Alfalfa, Jesus of the Three Falls, Cuesta del Rosario, Villegas, Entrecárceles, Francisco Bruna, Granada, Plaza Nueva, Tetuán, Velázquez, O’Donnell, CAREER OFFICER, Cardinal Carlos Amigo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Cuesta del Rosario, Angel Maria Camacho, Plaza de la Alfalfa, Alfalfa, Eagles, Plaza de Pilatos and San Esteban.
The hill
Sacramental Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Helplessness and Abando-no, Our Father Jesus of Humility and Our Lady of Sorrows (Three steps) Parroquia de Nuestra. Mrs. of Sorrows (Cerro del Águila)
ITINERARY: Our Lady of Sorrows, Afan de Ribera, Aragon, Avenida de Hytasa, Glo-Rieta Bizco Amate, Ramón y Cajal, Enramadilla, Glorieta Dona Maria de las Mercedes de Bor-Bon Orleans, Avda. Carlos V, Plaza de Don Juan de Austria, San Fernando, Puerta de Jerez, Constitution Avenue, Adolfo Rodriguez Jurado, Plaza del Minister Indalecio Prieto, To-over Ibarra, Admiralty, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Gamazo, Joaquín Guichot, Barcelona, Plaza Nueva, Tetuán, Velázquez, O’Donnell, CAREER OFFICER, Plaza Virgen de los Reyes, Plaza del Triunfo (Alcázar side), Miguel Mañara, Recruitment Square, San Gregorio, Avda. Rome, Palos de la Frontera, Glorieta de San Diego, Avda. From Portugal, Dr. Pedro de Castro, Miguel Rodríguez Piñero, Cuatro Vientos plane, Ramón y Cajal, Glorieta Bizco Amate, Avda. de Hytasa, Aníbal González, Afan de Ribera and Our Lady of Sorrows.
La Candelaria
Sacramental Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of Health and the Virgin of the Candelaria. (Two steps) Parish of St. Nicholas.
ITINERARY: Square of Our Father Jesus of Health, Plaza Ramón Ybarra Llosent, Mu-Noz and Pabon, Head of Rey Don Pedro, Candilejo, Alfalfa, Plaza de la Alfalfa, Angel Maria Camacho, Cuesta del Rosario, Villegas, Plaza del Salvador, Cradle, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria, CAREER OFFICER, Plaza del Triunfo (Cathedral side), Miguel Mañara, Square Recruitment, San Gregorio, Puerta de Jerez, San Fernando, Paseo de Catalina de Ribera, Murillo Gardens, Cano y Cueto, Santa Maria la Blanca, San José and Plaza of Our Father Jesus of Health
San Benito
Sacramental Brotherhood of the Holy Presentation of Jesus to the People, Stmo. The blood of Christ and Our Lady of the Incarnation Crowned (Three steps) Parroquia de San Benito
ITINERARY: San Benito, Luis Montoto, Carmona Door, Muro de los Navarros, Santiago, Juan de Mesa, Almirante Apodaca, St. Peter's Square, Image, Plaza de la Encarnación, Laraña, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega, Trajano, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria (left side), CAREER OFFICER, Cardinal Carlos Amigo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placenti-nes, Franks, Cuesta del Rosario, Jesus of the Three Falls, Alfalfa, Eagles, Plaza de Pilatos, San Esteban, Carmona Door, Luis Montoto and San Benito
Dulce Nombre
Brotherhood Our Father Jesus before Annas, Holy Mary of Dulce Nombre and San Juan Evangelista (Two steps) Parroquia de San Lorenzo
ITINERARY: Plaza de San Lorenzo, Cardinal Spinola, Plaza de la Gavidia, The courts, Jesus del Gran Poder, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria (right side), CAREER OFFICER, Plaza Virgen de los Reyes, Plaza del Triunfo, Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arco del Postigo, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Gamazo, Joaquín Guichot, Barcelona, Plaza Nueva, Tetuán, Vélaz-quez, O’Donnell, Plaza de la Campana, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria, Trajano, Conde de Barajas and Plaza de San Lorenzo
Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Souls and Our Lady of Grace and Amparo (Two steps) Parroquia de All Saints
ITINERARY: fair, Correduría, Alameda de Hercules, Trajano, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria (left side), CAREER OFFICER, Cardinal Carlos Amigo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Chapineros, Alvarez Quintero, Plaza del Salvador, Cradle, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega, God's Love, Brokerage & Fair
The students
Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Good Death and the Virgin of Anguish (Two steps) University Chapel
ITINERARY: San Fernando, Puerta Jerez, Constitution Avenue, Adolfo Rodriguez Jurado, Plaza del Minister Indalecio Prieto, Thomas Ibarra, Admiralty, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Gamazo, Joaquín Guichot, Barcelona, Plaza Nueva, Zaragoza, Saint Paul, Plaza de la Magdalena, O’Donnell, CAREER OFFICER, Plaza del Triunfo, Miguel de Manara, Recruitment Square, San Gregorio, Puerta Jerez, San Fernando, Doña María de Padilla and Lonja University
Santa Cruz
Sacramental Brotherhood of Stmo. Christ of the Mercies, Santa Maria de la Antigua and Our Lady of Sorrows.(Two steps). Parish of Santa Cruz.
ITINERARY: Mateos Gago, Rodrigo Caro, Square Alliance, Joaquin Romero Murube, Pla-za del Triunfo (Cathedral side), Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arco del Postigo, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Gamazo, Joaquín Guichot, Barcelona, Plaza Nueva, Tetuán, Velázquez, O’Donnell, CAREER OFFICER, Plaza del Triunfo, Joaquín Romero Muru-be, Square Alliance, Mateos Gago and Rodrigo Caro
Source: General Council brotherhoods of Seville
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