La Esperanza de Triana listened to me

By on 29 March 2023

We all know that the Christs and Virgins of our Seville perform and have performed thousands of miracles.. In this section that we are opening today, our visitors will be the ones who send us their experiences and how they have received Divine Help..

If you want us to publish your experience, send an email to

“I was just six years old, that day my mother had not gotten out of bed and she kept complaining of severe pain. I started to worry and feel afraid, something serious happened in my house. My three brothers and my father surrounded the bed and the doctor came.

After exploring my mother notified us what we all feared, my mother was seriously ill, she had pancreatitis and would have to operate. I ran to the room where there was a photo of Esperanza de Triana dressed as a Hebrew and crying, I asked her with all my strength not to leave me without a mother., to pray to God for us, for my family, for my mother whom I loved so much.

The doctor had left and I was still crying and praying, when suddenly my mother said, It doesn't hurt so much anymore and I'm much better. My mother got out of bed shortly after and I had and still have the security and certainty that Esperanza had listened to me..

I will not forget this as long as I live and it was the first miracle that Esperanza de Triana performed on me.”


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