Extraordinary departure itinerary for Los Estudiantes, Sevilla 2024

By on 5 November 2024

This year, The Brotherhood of Students celebrates its first centenary since its foundation (1924-2024) Y, to mark the occasion, has prepared a series of commemorative events that have taken place throughout the year. Among the activities carried out, the exhibition “One Hundred Years of Brotherhood” at the Real Círculo de Labradores and a Brotherhood Film Series at the Cajasol Foundation Theater stand out.. Nevertheless, The main event of this celebration is the expected extraordinary departure of its Sacred Headlines, which represents a unique milestone in the history of the brotherhood.

Next Saturday 9 of November, the Christ of the Good Death and the Virgin of Anguish will be transferred to the Church of the Annunciation, former founding place of this Brotherhood at the initiative of professors and students of the University of Seville, where it arose to pay public worship to Jesus Christ and the Virgin. This transfer will give way to a triduum at the Annunciation, culminating the 17 November with a founding mass. After this ceremony, The Sacred Heads will return to their headquarters in the university chapel.

The One Way Journey of the Sacred Headlines

The first extraordinary procession will be 9 of November, when the Christ of the Good Death and the Virgin of Anguish will make a special journey to the Church of the Annunciation. This time, The tour will include passing through the surroundings of the Cathedral, avoiding Holy Tuesday which was previously canceled due to weather conditions. further, passing through iconic places such as the Santa Cruz neighborhood, the alpha, and the Plaza de la Encarnación promises unforgettable scenes for devotees and neighbors.

Outbound Itinerary:
Departure at 18:00 hours from the University chapel.
San Fernando, Puerta de Jerez, Square Recruitment, Plaza del Triunfo, Plaza de la Virgen de los Reyes, among others, until you reach the Church of the Annunciation around 20:30 hours.

This journey is especially significant, since both images will be transported on litters, remembering the way the transfers were carried out fifty years ago.

Travel Tour: The Return Procession

one week later, The Sacred Titulars will return to the University chapel after the celebration of the triduum (of the 13 al 15 of November) and the founding mass (17 of November), presided over by Monsignor José Ángel Saiz Meneses, Archbishop of Sevilla. This journey will take place on Sunday 17 of November, with images in their traditional steps, as happened in the transfer half a century ago.

Return Itinerary:
Departure from the Church of the Annunciation at 17:00 hours.
Tour of Laraña, Plaza del Salvador, Plaza Nueva, until you reach the University chapel, ending around 21:00 hours.


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