Schedule and route for the steps of the Santo Entierro Grande 2023

By on 17 January 2023

General Council brotherhoods, The Board of the Penance Section of the Council approved the configuration of the days of Holy Week in 2023. The schedules for Holy Saturday are pending, that this year will be special for the celebration of the General Procession of the Holy Great Burial, as well as define the routes of the steps of the brotherhoods invited to participate.

In this day, for better organization of the day, the Penitentiary Section Board of the Council has determined:

  • Advancement of the beginning of the day of Holy Saturday in 45 minutes
  • Completion at the Puerta de Palos with a delay of 45 minutes
  • Assignment 7 minutes of passage for each of the brotherhoods invited to the Santo Entierro Grande

Equally, the brotherhoods of Holy Saturday have agreed to redistribute the times of passage based on the count of Nazarenes carried out in the year 2022

Therefore, the schedules of the configuration of the day for 2023 would be as follows:

sisterhoodHome CareerPassage TimeEnd of Race

The rest of the routes and schedules of the brotherhoods of Holy Saturday will be finished defining and optimizing, in coordination with the delegate of the day.

Regarding the brotherhoods invited to the General Procession of the Santo Entierro Grande, they have made the proposals for schedules and itineraries that they have considered appropriate. Once all proposals are received, a study of the different confluences between them and the repercussion of said schedules with the brotherhoods of Holy Saturday has been prepared. In all cases, priority has been given to the brotherhoods of the day, so that they are not affected.

Once these considerations have been made, the schedules and itineraries of the invited brotherhoods have been defined, what will be next:

Sacred Prayer of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden. Monte-Zion Chapel

Departure (17:00), fair, Conde de Torrejón, Alameda, Trajano, Count of Barajas, Jesus del Gran Poder, Plaza del Duque, Bell (Paso 18:31), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (19:56), Plaza del Triunfo, Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arco del Postigo, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Molviedro, Doña Guiomar, Zaragoza, Gravina, Pedro del Toro, Bailen, Miguel de Carvajal, Museum Square, San Vicente, Cardinal Cisneros, seven quinary words, seven quinary words, Plaza del Duque, Trajano, San Miguel, God's Love, García Tassara, San Andres, Cervantes, San Martin, Saavedras, Alberto Lista, Conde de Torrejón, Fair and Entrance (0:30)

Our Father Jesus of Redemption. Church of Santiago

Departure (17:00), Plaza Nuestro Padre Jesus of the Redemption, Santiago, Juan de Mesa, Almirante Apodaca, St. Peter's Square, Image, Plaza de la Encarnación, Laraña, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega, Trajano, Plaza del Duque, Bell (Paso 18:38), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:03), Plaza del Triunfo, Miguel de Manara, Square Recruitment, San Gregorio, Puerta de Jerez, San Fernando, Catalina de Ribera promenade, Cano y Cueto, Santa Maria la Blanca, Saint Joseph, Muñoz y Pabón, Head of King Don Pedro, Candilejo, Alfalfa, Odreros, Boteros, San Ildefonso Square, Zamudio, Plaza de San Leandro, Cardinal Cervantes, Santiago, Plaza Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Redención and Entrance (0:40)

Our Father Jesus of the Sovereign Power before Caiaphas. Parroquia de San Gonzalo

Departure (15:30), Plaza de San Gonzalo, Our. lady of health, Avda. Coria, San Jacinto, Altozano square, Elizabeth II bridge, Catholic kings, Triana Gate, Saint Paul, Madeleine square, Rioja, Velázquez, O’Donnell, Bell (Paso 18:45), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:10), Triumph square, Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arco del Postigo, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Adriano, Pastor and Landero, Catholic kings, Elizabeth II bridge, Altozano square, San Jacinto, grandmother. Coria, Our Lady of Health and Plaza de San Gonzalo and Entrance (0:50)

Sacred Column and Scourges of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Tobacco Factory Chapel

Departure (16:00), Tobacco Factory Courtyard, Juan Sebastián Elcano, Virgen de la Victoria, Assumption, cuban square, San Telmo bridge, promenade of Las Delicias, Christopher Columbus walk, Postigo del Carbon street, I Temprado, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Gamazo, Joaquín Guichot, Barcelona, new Square, Tetuán, Velázquez, O’Donnell, Bell (Paso 18:52), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:17), Triumph square, Miguel Mañara, St Thomas, constitution avenue, Puerta de Jerez, Admiral Wolf, Christopher Columbus walk, San Telmo bridge, cuban square, Juan Sebastián Elcano and Patio of the Tobacco Factory and Entrance (22:20)

Holy Christ of the Coronation of Thorns. Church of the Annunciation

Departure (18:15), Laraña, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega,, Trajano, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria, Bell (Paso 18:59), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:24), Cardinal Carlos Amigo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Chapineros, Alvarez Quintero, Plaza del Salvador, Cradle, Laraña and Entrance (21:45)

Our Father Jesus of the Judgment. Basilica of the Macarena

Departure (16:14) Resolana, fair, Reporter, Alameda, Trajano, Plaza del Duque, Bell (Paso 19:06), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:31), Cardinal Amigo Vallejo, German, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Chapineros, Alvarez Quintero, Villegas, Cuesta del Rosario Jesus of the Three Falls, Odreros, Boteros, Sales y Ferré, Plaza Cristo de Burgos, Doña María Coronel, Bustos Tavera, saint Louis, Esperanza Macarena Square and Entrance (0:30)

Our Father Jesus of Victory (Peace). Parroquia de San Sebastian

Departure (14:00), San Salvador, River Plate, Brazil, Maria Luisa Park (roundabout of Covadonga and ave.. of Isabella the Catholic), San Diego roundabout, avenue of the Cid, D square. John of Austria, San Fernando, Catalina de Ribera promenade, Cano y Cueto, Santa Maria la Blanca, Saint Joseph, Muñoz y Pabón, Head of King Don Pedro, Candilejo, Eagles, Alfalfa, Odreros, Boteros, Sales y Ferré, Plaza del Cristo de Burgos, Image, Plaza de la Encarnación, Laraña, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega, Trajano, Plaza del Duque, Bell (Paso 19:13), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:38), Triumph square, Miguel Mañara, recruitment square, San Gregorio, Puerta de Jerez, San Fernando, D square. John of Austria, avenue of the Cid, San Diego roundabout, Maria Luisa Park (grandmother. of Isabel la Católica and roundabout of Covadonga), Brazil, Río de la Plata and San Salvador and Entrance (0:10)

Our Father Jesus of Passion. Savior Parish

Departure (18:05), savior square, Cradle, Orfila, Javier Lasso de la Vega, Trajano, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria, Bell (Paso 19:20), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:45), Cardinal Carlos Amigo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Villegas, Plaza del Salvador and Entrance (21:50)

Bitterness Street. Church of San Juan de la Palma

Departure (17:35), San Juan de la Palma, Mother Mary Immaculate of the Cross, fair, Conde de Torrejón, Europa, Alameda de Hercules, Trajano, Plaza del Duque de la Victoria, Bell (Paso 19:27), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:52), Cardinal Carlos Amigo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Villegas, savior square, Cradle, Laraña, Encarnacion Square (east side), Alcázares, St. Angela de la Cruz, San Juan de la Palma and Entrance (0:00)

Holy Christ of the Three Falls. Mariners Chapel

Departure (16:15), Purity, Altozano square, Elizabeth II bridge, Catholic kings, Triana Gate, Saint Paul, Madeleine square, Rioja, Velázquez, O’Donnell, Bell (Paso 19:34), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (20:59), Triumph square, Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arco del Postigo, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Adriano, Otto Moeckel, Pastor and Landero, Catholic kings, Elizabeth II bridge, Altozano square, San Jacinto, Pagés del Corro, Luca de Tena, Holy Christ of the Three Falls, Pelay Correa, Parish Priest Don Eugenio, Purity and Input (1:00)

Most Holy Christ of Exaltation. Church of St. Catherine

Departure (16:30), santa Catalina, Alhóndiga, Manuel Santiago taskmaster, Third Square, Bustos Tavera, Doña María Coronel, Dueñas, San Juan de la Palma, fair, Castellar, Alberto Lista, Conde de Torrejón, God's Love, Alameda de Hercules, Trajano, Plaza del Duque, Bell (Paso 19:41), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (21:06), Cardinal Amigo Vallejo, German, Alvarez Quintero, Argote de Molina, Placentines, Franks, Chapineros, Alvarez Quintero, Plaza del Salvador, Villegas, Cuesta del Rosario, Angel Maria Camacho, Plaza de la Alfalfa, Odreros, Boteros, Sales y Ferré, Plaza del Cristo de Burgos, Almirante Apodaca, Alhóndiga, Santa Catalina and Entrance (0:00)

Holy Christ of the Conversion of the Good Thief. Chapel Montserrat

Departure (18:40), Christ of Calvary, Saint Paul, Plaza de la Magdalena, Rioja, Velázquez, O’Donnell, Bell (Paso 19:48), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (21:13), Plaza del Triunfo (Wall), Miguel de Manara, St Thomas, Santander, I Temprado, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Molviedro Square, Doña Guiomar, Zaragoza, Saint Paul, Christ of Calvary and Entrance (0:09)

Holy Christ of the Expiration. Basilica of the Christ of the Expiration

Departure (17:00), Castile, Chapina, Christ of the Expiration Bridge, Legion Square, Marqués de Paradas, San Laureano, Alfonso XII, Bell (Paso 19:55), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (21:20), Triumph square, Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arco del Postigo, Dos de Mayo, Arfe, Adriano, Pastor and Landero, Catholic kings, Elizabeth II bridge, Altozano square, Saint George, Callao, Castile and Entrance (1:00)

Holy Christ of Calvary. Parish of the Magdalena

Departure (19:20), Saint Paul, Plaza de la Magdalena, Rioja, Velázquez, O’Donnell, Bell (Paso 20:02), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (21:27), Cardinal Amigo Vallejo, German, Argote de Molina, Franks, Chapineros, Alvarez Quintero, Plaza del Salvador, Cradle, locksmithing, Sierpes, Rioja, Pza. Magdalena, Saint Paul and Entrance (23:07)

Sacred Descent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Parish of the Magdalena

Departure (19:30), Saint Paul, Plaza de la Magdalena, Rioja, Velázquez, O’Donnell, Bell (Paso 20:09), CAREER OFFICER, Palos (21:34), Fray Ceferino González, Admiralty, Arfe, Puerta del Arenal, Castelar, Gamazo, Joaquín Guichot, Barcelona, Plaza Nueva, Méndez Núñez, Saint Paul and Entrance (23:14)

The schedules and itineraries of Holy Saturday of 2023, like all of the Holy Week in Seville, will be officially approved in the Hours Taking Council, to be held on sunday 19 of March.

Likewise, some brotherhoods indicate that their schedules and itineraries should be considered provisional until they are approved by their general councils of brothers..

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