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- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
Soledad de San Buenaventura

Photos: Salvador Lopez Medina / @SalvaLpezMedina
Real, Illustrious and Franciscan Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Cross on Mount Calvary, Holy Christ of Salvation and Our Lady of Solitude
Convent of St. Bonaventure (C / Carlos Cañal).
1 paso (Virgen de la Soledad).
IMAGES: The Virgin is the work of Gabriel de Astorga (1851), originally kneeling, Sebastián Santos stood in 1954 and it was also retouched by Manuel Dominguez 1967. The Christ of Salvation, not procesioa, Manuel is Cerquera (1935).
FOREMAN: José Manuel Rechi.
DURATION: It takes to go 20 mins aprox.
COATS: white, belted tail and black mask Esparto.
MUSIC: Municipal Band Mairena del Alcor
PREMIERES 2024: Restoration of Cruz de Guía lanterns, by Emilio Méndez.
PREMIERES 2023: They recover the garlands for the passage vents
PREMIERES 2022: Embroidered mantle for the Virgin by José Antonio Grande de León.
PREMIERES 2019: no leads
Premieres 2017: Does not have
PREMIERES 2016: It released two new marches: "I weep", composed by Jose Angel Esteban Velázquez, and "Soledad", Eduardo de la Osa Crespo.
HIGHLIGHT: One of the jewels of this brotherhood are the candelabra of windshields of Manuel Guzman Bejarano, with angels cherubs Rafael Medina Barbero, conducted between 1957 Y 1979.
OBSERVATIONS: The brotherhood is closely linked to the Franciscans and convent of San Buenaventura. The Virgin has an original passage, mahogany and silver. At other times kneeling left foot of the cross, but it was adapted in 1954 to go up. Cross Guide Cross reproduces the Caño Quebrado (S.XVII), whose cult was the origin of the brotherhood. The Franciscan community of San Buenaventura still does not authorize the output of a second step with the Crucified of Salvation. In step depicted the Virgin in Soledad at the foot of the Cross, with the shroud and stairs. It was the first guild to represent the Virgin at the foot of the Cross, with the shroud and stairs.
HISTORICAL FACTS: The terrible plague that devastated Seville 1649 forced to enable some public places such as cemeteries. Precisely in Cano Quebrado (Plaza de Monte-Sion) an iron cross which the faithful worshiped in memory of the deceased was placed. These are the origins of the brotherhood, which it has the iron cross of that cemetery on the altar of the Virgin. Nevertheless, did not have its first rules to 1847. In 1851 he moved to San Buenaventura. His first Rules are 1847.