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- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
![Photo: lascigarreras.net](https://www.semana-santa.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/lospanaderos1.jpg)
Photo: lascigarreras.net
Pontifical, Real, Illustrious and Fervent Brotherhood and Confraternity of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesus of Sovereign Power in its Prendimiento, Virgin of Regla and St. Andrew the Apostle
Chapel of St. Andrew (C/ Orfila).
2 Steps (Engraftment and Virgen de Regla).
IMAGES: The complete mystery is Lastrucci (1945). The Virgin is attributed to Luisa Roldán, La Pulley. The image has been restored three times.
FOREMEN: Juan Manuel Martín and Jose Garcia Monje.
DURATION: It takes to go 38 mins aprox.
COATS: Black with black and purple mask layer in red in Christ and the Virgin.
MUSIC: Bugles and Drums of the Cigar in mystery and Band of Santa Ana de Dos Hermanas after the Palio.
PREMIERES 2024: Cereals for the palio, design by Fernando Aguado, work of Orfebrería Analuza
HIGHLIGHTED PLACE: Check your Temple.
CURIOSITIES: Nazarenes do not distribute candies, as usual, but sometimes peaks deliver bread. In his social work delivered bread to several soup kitchens.
OBSERVATIONS: The Virgin of Regla is going to take out the oldest of the two exit cloaks she has, Elena Caro's garnet in 1979 on design by Aurelio Gómez Millán. Bakers has a very popular environment. The passage of mystery is a large and represents the Prendimiento (when they apprehend Jesus in the Garden of Olives) with a spectacular composition. The sewing workshop Brotherhood has decorated the exterior roof of the pallium passage, which it has the peculiarity of forming two crosses of San Andrés with the front batches of candelería, being is of more candles have at Easter.
HISTORICAL FACTS: The Brotherhood was founded, in St. Lucia, the late sixteenth century, although not until the eighteenth century when it is accredited its link to the Bakers'. In 1896 It merged with the Brotherhood of Alarifes, moved to the chapel of San Andrés.
PREMIERES 2023: Does not have
PREMIERES 2017: Restoration of the cross guide and the rulebook at the hands of the Brothers Delgado. Restoring the candelabra of windshields mystery step in the workshop of Hermanos González, who will continue recovering the gold pass for the next two years.