- Transfer the Esperanza de Triana. Easter 2025
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- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
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- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta

Photo: Hdad. Thirst
Sacramental Brotherhood hospital congregants of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Nazarenes Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Thirst, Our Lady of Consolation Mother of the Church, San Juan Evangelista and San Juan de Dios
Conception Parish (Large square).
2 Steps (Christ of Thirst and Our Lady of Consolation).
IMAGES: The Crucified is Alvarez Duarte (1970). The Virgin is of Dubé de Luque (1969), remodeled by himself in 1990.
FOREMEN: Ricardo López and his assistants.
DURATION: It takes to go 46 minutes,
COATS: Black with white coat and black mask. The penitents wear the robe first had the brotherhood, antifaz without capirote, cloakless and rope as cíngulo.
MUSIC: Band of Jesus Nazarene on the Guiding Cross, the Band of Cornets and Drums Our Lady of the Rosary of Cádiz after the Christ; the Virgin will be accompanied by the Philharmonic Society of Our Lady of Oliva de Salteras from the exit to the Cathedral and by the Municipal Band of Mairena del Alcor from the Cathedral to the entrance.
Social work: Collaboration in maintaining the shelter of prisoners leave prison “Emaus”, in addition to the Order of St. John of God and the social Commissary Mary Help.
PREMIERES 2024: Restoration of the queue chandeliers, by Orfebrería Andaluza
Of interest 2024: Russian professor Lilia Kiryukhina, director of the brotherhood's choir has composed the new march “Looking at the sky”
RECOMMENDED PLACES: Especially touching as it passes through the Sanatorium San Juan de Dios in Luis Montoto. The offering of flowers to the monument of Sister Angela.
OBSERVATIONS: Brotherhood accompany representations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Brotherhood of Consolation in Carrion de los Cespedes and Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Sun. The crucified Christ is the only Easter with crossed legs, following the iconography of four nails of Christ of the Cathedral Clemencia, Martinez Montanes (1603). It is the longest hours Brotherhood is on the street. The Virgin is the only Virgin blue eyes of Easter. After the Holy Christ of Thirst can see a relic of San Juan de Dios escorted by the penitents of the Brotherhood.
HISTORICAL FACTS: Founded by decree D. José María Cardenal Bueno Monreal, Archbishop of Seville, in 1969, in the parish of the Immaculate Conception, , It procesionó the Good Friday for their neighborhood, Nervión, until the year 1978.
Premieres 2023: Does not have
Premieres 2019: Restoration and gilding of basketful and vents the passage of Christ of Thirst, It has also revamped the heads of the cherubim and braised fruits and flowers to conduct. New march for band "La Sed de Nervion" composed by David Hurtado.
Premieres 2018: The sacramental script out for the first time this Holy Wednesday after restoration and silver at the hands of the goldsmith Fernando Marmolejo, who has incorporated a shot from a piece of early twentieth century mystic lamb carrying a banner with the redeeming cross which contains the slogan "Ecce Agnus Dei".
Premieres 2017: Restoration of the archangels and cherubim the passage of Christ by Manuel Carmona. Debuting at the cross guide the Band of the Music School of the Holy Christ of Thirst and after the crucified, the band Nuestra Señora del Rosario Cadiz.
PREMIERES 2016: The Christ of Thirst out for the first time since its restoration in the hands of its author, Luis Alvarez Duarte.