- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- Poster Holy Week in Seville 2025
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
El Carmen Painful
Carmelita Brotherhood Wonderland Mary and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our. Father Jesus of Peace and Our. Mrs. del Carmen in their Sorrowful Mysteries
Santorum Parish Omniun (C / Fair)
2 Steps (Our Father Jesus of Peace and Our Lady of Carmen)
IMAGES: Christ is José Francisco Reyes Villadiego 1990. The same artist carved images of San Pedro, a Roman centurion and the prosecution raised in 1997; Joseph of Arimathea and sayón in 1998, the servant and another Roman in 1999 and San Juan Evangelista in the year 2000. The image of the Virgin was made in 1984 Francisco Berlanga
FOREMEN: Gallego Brothers and team.
DURATION: It takes to go 29 mins aprox.
TUNICA: white, layer, with mask and brown scapular.
MUSIC: After the Mystery will go the Pasión de Linares Musical Group, after the canopy the Music Band of Soledad de Cantillana
PREMIERES 2024: Tondos for the Guiding Cross of the painter Manuel Peña. Presidency rod game, of Jesus of Julian.
Social work: Founding Patrons commissary Casco Antiguo and welfare work in the convents of Santa Isabel, Pozo Santo and San Jose del Carmen (Las Teresas).
OF INTEREST 2024: After Holy Week they will move to the temple of Los Terceros where they will reside while the works on their parish of Omnium Sactorum last..
RECOMMENDED PLACES: St. Peter's Square, departure.
HISTORICAL FACTS: Its origins date back to 1982, when Sevillian young Christians who were doing military service in San Fernando decide to join a group of devotees and worship the Virgen del Carmen. It was not until 1995 when its first rules as a brotherhood of Nazarenes were approved. And for the first time in Easter 2007. In step Mystery there is a rooster representing negations of San Pedro Jesus : Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times”. The motto of the brotherhood is: To Jesus through Mary.
Premieres 2023: Canopy passage censers and a new saya
Premieres 2022: Does not have
Premieres 2019: The Lord opens an embroidered tunic embroidered cloth of gold on silver by Manuel Solano to a design by Francisco Reyes Villadiego. Donated by a group of brothers.
Premieres 2018: The Lord of Peace opens a set of powers in sterling silver, Villarreal Orfebrería work.
Premieres 2017: Moldurón for the passage of mystery carved by José Carlos Light and gilded by David Peace, of hanging a new vents combining mesh and velvet. The pallium passage take four new pitchers designed and tooled the goldsmith José Manuel Bernet. Four new marches that expand the repertoire of the Municipal Band of Aznalcóllar.
PREMIERES 2016: Dorado front vent and cut the sides and rear of the passage of mystery, Obra de Ssergio famine, with heads of angels polychrome and casseroles by Jose Maria Leal. Game censers and naveta Virgin Courtship, and speakers. Retards both its output as its input 15 minutes.