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Santa Cruz

Photo: Alejandro Pagés
Ilustre and Antigua and Fervent Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament and Our Lady of Peace; Fervent Nazarene Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Mercies, Santa Maria de la Antigua and Our Lady of Sorrows
Parish of Santa Cruz (C / Mateos Gago)
2 Steps (Christ of the Mercies Santa Maria de la Antigua and Our Lady of Sorrows)
IMAGES: Christ attributed to Roldan (XVII century). It is. Maria de la Antigua is the work of Emilio Pizarro (1904). Our Lady of Sorrows was carved by Antonio Eslava (1968).
FOREMEN: Fernando Fernandez Goncer. Carlos Yruela
DURATION: It takes to go 35 mins aprox.
COATS: Negras, tail, belted Esparto.
MUSIC: Chapel in the Crucified and the Virgin Maestro Tejera.
PREMIERES 2024: Cleaning and restoration of the skirt of the Virgin of Sorrows and the mantle of the Virgin of Antigua.
PREMIERES 2023: Cross Guide, the lanterns and the candlesticks of the canopy passage have been restored
PREMIERES 2022: Does not have
PREMIERES 2018: Remodeling tail candelabra step of Our Lady of Sorrows in line with the neo-Renaissance style presents. The pieces have been executed in the workshop of the brothers Delgado. Four lanterns make up each of the two arms, with a larger one in each game, right on the axis
the lampstand, between the last couple varales. They include amaryllis flowers as an ornament, They are symbolizing the purity of the Virgin.
PREMIERES 2017: Restoration basket and golden passage of Christ at the hands of Enrique Castellanos, which it included the recovery of polychromatic exempt carvings and paintings cleaning tables.
HIGHLIGHTED PLACE: Calle Mateos Gago, Alcazaba.
OBSERVATIONS: The route back among the orange street Mateos Gago is very emotional. Dean brotherhood of Holy Tuesday is austere and representative of one of the most famous neighborhoods of Seville. Christ is a beautiful image, expressive, and goes on an original golden step, neogótico. The Virgin leaves in a small step, but artistic merit, whose goldsmith is being restored. He wears a cross guide, to similarity of Locksmith, which is flanked by lanterns.
HISTORICAL FACTS: Founded in 1904, Brotherhood of Santa Cruz was the only brotherhood that realized penance station Tuesday Santo until years 20. He made his first departures from the convent of Madre de Dios. Until 1965, Christ was accompanied by a painful at his feet, that years ago he recovered to compose the whole Stabat Mater.