- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- Poster Holy Week in Seville 2025
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
The hill
Fervent Sacramental Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Christ of Abandonment and Neglect and Our Lady of Sorrows
Parish of Ntra. Mrs. of Sorrows (C / Ntra. Mrs. of Sorrows)
2 Steps (Homelessness and Neglect Christ and Our Lady of Sorrows)
IMAGES: The image of Jesus is attributed to Ocampo (XVII), is the mystery of Miñarro (1988-89). The Virgin is Sebastián Santos (1955), restored by Ramos Corona.
Dressing room: Francisco Race Churches.
embroidery: Palio (1990-1995) and cloak (2002) Career Churches.
FOREMEN: Manuel Millan and Francisco Reguera
COSTALEROS: 35-44-35
DURACION: It takes to go 64 mins aprox.
COATS: Robe and white cape, with burgundy velvet eye mask.
MUSIC: : Bugles and drums Ntro. Father Jesús Nazareno de Huelva after the Nazarene. Bugles and drums of Ntra. Mrs. of the Sun behind the Crucified, , and Ntra Band. Mrs. of the Snows of Olivares after the Virgin
Social work: They have opened a socio-labour insertion office to help neighbors find work.
Premieres 2024: Powers for the Lord of Humility, work of the goldsmith Ramón León. Enrichment of the first dagger of the Virgin by Lucio Rodríguez.
Premieres 2018: Does not have
Premieres 2017: Does not have
Of interest 2018: Holy Tuesday wears a pectoral cross replica of the belfry of the temple and one of the candles candelería includes an allusive painting that anniversary. Soon will come a third step is carving Francisco Verdugo, the Nazarene of Humility, Juan Manuel Miñarro work (2006) which enjoys great devotion among the neighbors. It will occupy the first place in the processional courtship.
OBSERVATIONS: Queen Sofia, godmother was already Coronation, and is Camarera Honoraria of the Virgin. . The Virgin holds in her hand a handkerchief embroidered silk tulle s XIX, donated by a brother. The Brotherhood is on the street more than 14 hours. The clothing of the Romans passage of Mystery is the most similar to that worn by the Roman of that time.
HISTORICAL FACTS: In the Parish of the Cerro and around a statue of Our Lady of Sorrows is based on 1955 a brotherhood of glory. It merges into 1966 with the sacramental and 1987 It is approved as a brotherhood of penance, out for the first time at Easter the Holy Virgin of 1989.La Tuesday was canonically crowned in 2002 in the Cerro del Águila.