
Pontifical, Real, Illustrious Confraternity of Nazarenes Primitiva the Holy Christ of the Crown of Thorns, Our Lord Jesus with the Cross Shoulder, Our Lady of the Valley and Saint Veronica

Church of the Annunciation (C/ Laraña).
3 Steps (Crown of Thorns, Bitterness Street and Virgen del Valle).


IMAGES: The Lord of the Coronation is Perea (1687). The mystery did Joaquín Bilbao and José Ordóñez (1910). Not the author of the Nazarene is known (XVII century). Holy Women made the Petroni (XIX). Veronica is Rossi. The Virgen del Valle is attributed to Juan de Mesa (XVII century, remodeled by Juan de Astorga, 1801) and José Ordóñez ( s.XX).



FOREMEN: Juan León. Fernando Rio Miranda. Fernando Burón

COSTALEROS: 35/40/35

DURATION: It takes to go 40 min aprox.

COATS: habitations, of cola con Cíngulo.

MUSIC: chapel singers and children in the first step, the second does not take Tejera and Band with Virgin.

PREMIERES 2024: 2 batches of candlesticks for the canopy. Verónica Cloth, work of Raúl Berzosa.

PREMIERES 2023: Restoration of the Palio

PREMIERES 2022: Does not have

PREMIERES 2019: Cloth Saint Veronica has been painted by Reyes de la Lastra.

PREMIERES 2018: The vanguard cloth Veronica has been painted by William Paneque. Restoration of three batches of step pallium candelería.

PREMIERES 2017: Veronica cloth has been painted by Ignacio Tovar. Restoring censers step of the Virgen del Valle.

PREMIERES 2016: Veronica cloth has been painted this year and Manuel Pedro Miguel Pablo Rosado.


OBSERVATIONS: Andas carries the relic of the Holy Thorn, which goes before the first step. Coronation step is known as "The mirrors', by carrying in her basket. In Bitterness it highlights the excellent image of the Nazarene. The beautiful Virgen del Valle is a step pallium whose falls are the oldest embroidered piece of Easter. Candelería wax painted bears the five shields of the brotherhood. Valley Easter reminds us of the old. It is the brotherhood that procesiona more acolytes.

HISTORICAL FACTS: Born in 1590 of merging two sibships: La Santa Faz (1450) and Our Lady of the Incarnation, and the Crown of Thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1540). It is the first of Sevilla receives the title of Confraternity en1817, concecido por S. S. Pius VII. It sets to 1970 in the Church of the Annunciation.

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