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San José Obrero. Brotherhoods Vespers of Holy Week in Seville
Humblest and Fervent Sacramental and Gloria Brotherhood of St. Joseph the Worker, San Francisco de Paula and Inmaculada Concepción and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesus of Charity and Our Lady of Sorrows. San José Obrero Parish and San Francisco de Paula. C/ Stream.
– 2 Steps
Images: Our Father Jesus of Charity and the image of Simon of Cyrene are works of Fernando Aguado (1994/2013). Our Lady of Sorrows is the first work of Luis Alvarez Duarte, carved 1962, later reformed by the author.
Nazarenes: 500
Brothers: 730
foremen: Antonio Santiago and its subsidiary.
Costaleros: 30 Y 37.
Eldest brother: Juan Manuel Bortelano Garcia.
Dressing room: Antonio Bejarano.
Music: Musical Group Los Gitanos in the passage of the Nazareno and the Band of Coria del Río after the canopy
Social work: Develop charity work in children's home with tertiary nasturtiums in Mairena del Alcor and the nursing Gerón.
Recommended place: Jabugo.
Premieres 2023: Does not have
Schedule: departure 17:00 and input 00:30 hours.
ITINERARY: Departure, Samaniego, Filpo Rojas, Venice, Urquiza, Arroyo, Joaquín Morales y Torres, Mateos, Christ of the Five Wounds, Sol, Mother Elizabeth of the Trinity, Round of Mary Help of Christians, Carretera de Carmona, San Juan Bosco, Jabugo, Surface, Mom Marga-rita, Francisco de Ariño, Maestro Gomez Zarzuela, José María de Mena, Vicente Alanís, Arroyo, dare Tania, Argantonio, Luis Alvarez Duarte, Nicasio Gallego, Iriarte and Samaniego and Entry