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The Borriquita - Hermandades Palm Sunday Holy Week in Seville
Primitiva Pontifical and Royal Brotherhood of Nazarenes Confraternity of the Holy Entry into Jerusalem, Holy Christ of Love, Our Lady of Socorro and Santiago Apostol
Collegiate Church of the Divine Savior – 1 paso (Entry into Jerusalem sacred)
IMAGES: The size of the Lord is anonymous, as well as those of Santiago, San Pedro y Zacchaeus (XVII century). San Juan (Castillo Lastrucci, 1935). Children are Juan Astorga (1805). The women and girls of Fernando Aguado (2014). The Hebrews are Juan Abascal 1976/78). The image of the Lord is attributed to the workshop of Roland.
embroidery: Tunic and mantolin the Lord of Rodriguez Ojeda (1904) and embroidery application Padilla in the rest of the mystery (1945).
Brothers: 5.000
FOREMEN: José María Rojas Marcos.
DURATION: It takes to go 35 minutes.
COATS: White tail belted Esparto. Cruz de Santiago in the mask.
MUSIC: Band Sagrada Column and Whips ( Las Cigarreras) in the Cross of Guide and Bugles and Drums Band of Our Lady of the Sun in step.
Social work: Main resources intended to help struggling brothers and contribution to social commissary Foundation Casco Antiguo. Specially collaboration with the Association of Parents of children with cancer (Andex).
Premieres 2024: Does not have
OBSERVATIONS: The passage of the Borriquita out separately from the other two of Love, who comes to the Cathedral last. The participation of children is large in this courtship.
HISTORICAL FACTS: Founded in the late sixteenth century, by gauges Alhóndifa. It merges into 1618 with the Brotherhood of Love which accompanies their courtship. Nevertheless, from the year 1970 divide the brotherhood, so that the Borriquita is the first in conmenzar Penitence Station to the Holy Cathedral Church.
RECOMMENDED PLACE: His departure in El Salvador sheltered innocence.