The Christ of the Good Death in a fair booth.

By on 7 August 2014

imageThe Christ of the Good Death of the Students was in the booth of the Círculo de Labradores at the Prado Fair.

Year 1965 was loaded with unpublished snapshots, that have been saved for history, on the occasion of the General Missions that were held that year.

The Brotherhood of Students had its canonical seat in the Church of the Annunciation and in the old Tobacco Factory, I was the Cigarreras.

In 1950, The University of Seville decided to move from Calle Laraña to the Tobacco Factory and, with that, the brotherhood also agreed to move with her on 7 February, carrying the Lord on his shoulders the following year to preside over the inauguration of the Rectorate.image

However, the definitive transfer of the brotherhood to its new headquarters did not take place until 1966, since it was conditioned to the departure of the Cigarreras from there and to the fact that expansion works had to be carried out on the Rectorate Chapel.

Thus, as experience prior to the definitive transfer, the Christ of the Good Death participated in the General Missions of 1965, moving to the permanent booth that the Real Círculo de Labradores had set up throughout the year at the Fair that was then in the Prado de San Sebastián. There services were held.

imageIt so happened that during the Missions of 1965, the Christ of Mercies of Santa Cruz, He was also in the Labrador Circle, this time in the facilities it has in the Los Remedios neighborhood.

That experience of the Christ of the Good Death in the Real de la Feria served for the brotherhood to celebrate events in the old Tobacco Factory, given its proximity that were the prelude to the definitive transfer of the corporation from the church of the Annunciation to the Rectorate, where it remains today.

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