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The Brotherhood Council will encourage donations of the 2020 to intensify its commitment to those affected by the health crisis
The extraordinary assembly called by the General Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Seville this Tuesday 26 May at the Real Alcázar has approved by acclamation - and with warm and strong applause from the older brothers to the superior council meeting- the plan prepared by the general meeting to address the situation of 125 brotherhoods of the city after the suspension of the Easter processions of the year 2020. This measure, that has been produced by the very serious health situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and by the consequent alarm decree issued by the Government of Spain, has caused an unusual situation in our Holy Week that forces us to take new measures.
The President of the Council, Francisco Velez, and the treasurer, Alejandro Marchena, they have exposed to the members of the assembly the project in which the institution has worked during the last two months to face this crisis in parallel to the report requested from the Montero Aramburu office on this new legal situation. Vélez has explained to the older brothers that this opinion determines that there is no clear obligation to carry out a refund of the fertilizers. Nevertheless, the Council has established a plan that follows the mandate of its statutes, in whose article 2 it is indicated that all its purposes are set "With the fundamental objective that each of the brotherhoods and brotherhoods of the city fulfill their mission of promoting public worship, Evangelization, the improvement of the spiritual life of his brothers and the exercise of Christian charity ”.
With this philosophy, the council plan has 8 measurements.
1. The reimbursement of their amounts once deducted will be made available to the subscribers of chairs and boxes of the official race, since this is stipulated in the decree of the state of alarm, the expenses generated by the management and partial installation of the official career.
2. The possibility of donating all or, at least, part of the money corresponding to each subscriber thus contributing to defray the multiple manifestations of worship, charity actions and all kinds of actions (training, temple maintenance, social care, heritage) that our brotherhoods, following its rules, they exercise with so much effort for the benefit of the people of Seville, especially in such difficult times.
3. A certificate will be sent to subscribers who decide to donate their contributions in order to deduct the percentage corresponding to the amount donated on their income statement..
4. A discount of the 25 percent in the subscription of 2021 regarding the amount donated this year.
5. The brotherhoods will not have to return the first part of the contribution already received.
6. The Council will finance the brotherhoods the second part of the contribution according to their budgetary needs.
7. To guarantee the viability of the entire project, A loan with a grace period will be subscribed, which will be added to the Confirming line that the institution already has for the payment to suppliers from 2018.
8. Due to the serious and exceptional circumstances of this year, subscribers requesting a refund of their subscription amounts, they will not suffer impairment of their preferential renewal right for the next year.
All these actions, which have been approved by acclamation, certify the commitment of this Institution, as well as 125 brotherhoods that make up its assembly, as an essential part of the Church of Seville, with society, especially with those people and organizations that need the most help at this time of special difficulty.
Click on the following link to download the document to request a refund / donation of the subscription amount
:: Document of return / donation of the amounts of the installments :: (Click)
Source: Council brotherhoods of Seville
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