Tin speech Jarrillo

By on 20 March 2023

Pronounced upon receiving the XVIII Jarrillo of tin cofradiera Tertulia “the museito”, he 23 March 2007.

If the scripture of this group called the fifth evangelist Sevilla the Word became flesh and dwells in San Lorenzo in the old color of the Lord, the humble tin, these miracles in our city only occur by spring, silver has become this small carafe, thanks to the generosity of friends, not to the merits of this simple capirotero Royal, Illustrious, Antigua and Fervent Brotherhood of Bulla, brotherhood without rules rites, every Palm Sunday opens sobaduras and apple turns when you see the first nazareno, a buckle less, one more year, nostalgia less, a sadness more.
La Esperanza Macarena en su palio
And tin small carafe of aguaor Gang, which he led the poet Rafael in the bilge of West Indian mahogany boat carter Cristo de la Salud, that humble tin, by miracle Sevilla, silver was: CIRI payment, pay Varal, Silver breather; Silver Virgen de los Reyes in front of a pallium; curved plate of Seville populusque en los Aires from Rome Andaluza; concepcionista silver pole flag colors choirboy; Armao silver breastplate; Sevilla silver from a silver dream bizarrones in an old cathedral with Miserere of Eslava, Give me the joy, to return joy, because lack least for another year begins nostalgia.

Now I look at this small carafe tin and I imagine, like every day in the brotherhood of nostalgia, Silver that dream Sevilla, perfect, measure, harmonic as a pall. This small carafe of tin has been made of silver because it brings nostalgia with a white pitcher of Lebrija the aguaor Mice maestro Rafael Franco; and Don Pedro Gámez Laserna Band Soria comes with full premiering a march just write Don Pedro Braña and is called “macarena crowning”; and on the balcony of capiller sings Marta Rodriguez a bolt Mailbox; and the High Schools is the century that sends Melli; and tax of step with the Lord of Sevilla Go Vizconde, and Antonio Ordonez in Esperanza de Triana, and Joaquín Romero Murube going solo in La Soledad, and Juan Carrero in Las Penas, and Ramon Martin Cartaya La O, and Juan Moya in students, and Adolfo Cuéllar in manigueta of Our Lady of Major Pain in your Arenal, and Alfonso Carlos Fal costalero with La Canina, and the boy Luisito Rodriguez Case is the first year that comes out in the Fifth Anguish, first stretch, Ochoa mediasnoches out of the Cathedral, and Luis Ortiz Muñoz is portraying the departure of its Bitterness, and Luis Arenas is waiting for the cub at sunset Bridge, and another bridge, guadalquivires without penalty, Pepe Luis will dress Nazareno de San Bernardo carrying the candle as a cartuchopescao of the grace of Sevilla by the grace of God, Florencio Quintero and puts facing the Arenal a Queen of Seville and another Queen of Triana, and Pali is on the street in his chair Customs empernacado, and as a Moor who learned to dance bulerías between barbel in adobo christenings roof, He is waiting to pass through your door not the body of his enemy, but his friend died, they call it Good Death… And while Baquet comes refresh, The Pali sings from memory Ovidio House:

Who is this gang
which leads to that Christ died?
It is the Penitente Gordo:
The brothers costaleros!
Take him on his feet,
tomorrow at Adriano
My Piedad del Baratillo
will take in his hands…

Now I look at this small carafe of silver and prosecutor passage of Nazareno del Valle, to see me, makes me bow of brotherhood processions old Versailles, inclining to purple capirote boy dressed Rafael Montesinos, and the glaive your Palermo gives the teacher O'Kean a thud on the ground Blazed drippings of wax candles. And before the “Cross Guide” Manolito Sánchez del Arco, Rafael Brigade is touching Campanilleros, and Farfan is the greatest musician of the band of a regiment barracks Duque is touching the sky with your hands, because it is touching the Sublime Star…

Sublime star that heaven where the Balilla reveals that go up the Virgin of Sorrows with this up in front of the Courts, when much better than the Cardinal Segura proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption as the bearers of Seville: “To the Sky with her!”.

And at the same time, a young man macareno, of Torrijiano, is interpreting what the angel of the Annunciation, which as it was not from here, but he stopped in Los Grabieles, said Latin it from “will call you blessed all generations”, which it's, before the Mother of God of Arco, capirotes a forest of old green velvets, results in Seville: “Beautiful, pretty and beautiful”

And to contemplate this small carafe spend ancient penitents silver chains on his ankles, as prisoners of Pópulo “Solea give me your hand” on the arrow to Hope, iron balls dragging on the cobbles in the evening sun reflects on the street Laraña Cross guide students that portrays Serrano Nene, and Martinez de León draws the bottom of the Nazarene friend of Antonio Núñez Herrera. And Cigarreras go down the street San Fernando, because it leaves the tocaya a Virgin Queen of Spain who is in boxes, mantilla, so beautiful and so English, Republican Alfayate hoping Fernando Santos come to ask leave to La Trinidad and the Marquis of Capers come to your booth convidarla Er 77. And in this time rebujito let's all San Gonzalo to see a new brotherhood, and the zip line the bottle Cura, San Andrés and the first exit which have founded hoteliers, the only square in the world where from one of the five wounds of the five crosses shield Silence you hear on the street Francos, the dead hand of God who created this beauty sunset bleeds in roses rosebushes Mañara. Hand, like Pilate did not finished his janga, created the Holy Week in Seville and on the seventh day He rested and went to resurrect in Castilleja de los Reyes, which is where we must resuscitate.

Jarrillo tin bearers of spring, sacks made of old blankets hunger, tuberculosis and poultry, Gang Alfonso Borrero bringing the best people colla, Manolo Bejarano teaching trianear to Sevilla, I wanted small carafe, near, known, small carafe that relieves the wood by the Cuesta del Bacalao gives the back of horses with Paquito Quesada and El Carabreva, small carafe makes slightest firing of Dulce Nombre pallium by the Capuchins street Triana patero that old named Salvador and was the only male penitents of Seville in his voice capirote man bragado…

Not a small carafe… It is a deep well that now I see, old cistern rains flash floods, tamarguillos of memories, guadairas Maria Beach Trifulca. Bottomless pit memory with your generosity me entregáis. To dream, to overcome the high blue sky Hiniesta tambourine nostalgia. As the Palm Sunday balloon that escapes a child out of hand when peace comes through the park. That balloon up to a sky that smells of new palms and pralines is the old Seville Holy Week undreamed, we are out of hand. Like the water. As a small carafe water. Latilla the fifth Evangelist, Sevilla same, Sevilla same, converted thanks to your generosity in silver immortal memory.


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