All posts by Semana Santa

  • A tradition in Holy Week in Seville, wax balls
    Life in a black crape

    Another Nazarene who has just turned fourteen years old will go to the first section of Christ where you came out for the first time with a candle., a tunic, a mask and a yellow esparto belt. Another Nazarene with a girlfriend...

    • Posted April 3, 2012
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  • Nazarenes in the Holy Week in Seville
    Grandmother of the Nazarene

    Yesterday was the first day I left Nazareth. The child, one corujo, You encaste and reattached in the sense of Sevilla, from Friday of Dolores he was with the dog: — Come, come, I want to dress like....

    • Posted April 3, 2012
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  • Presentation at La Calzada

    When Don Jose Alvarez Allende comes to the front of the passage of Christ Health, cassock, Bonnet with tassel doctor of theology and golden rod, the topic is to say that at Easter the ...

    • Posted April 2, 2012
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  • Seville evangelists

    Many people have a dedicated street in Seville and don't know it. It is a street in Triana, old street of potteries and corrals. His name is Evangelist. It's not for San Juan, How do people as important as Don believe....

    • Posted April 2, 2012
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  • Asistimos al besamanos a Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder

    Ayer visitamos la Basílica para asistir a su Besamanos. Hasta mañana día 3 de abril con un horario de 8 a 22 horas permanecerá en besamanos Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder

    • Posted April 1, 2012
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    16 of June. Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 11 in the morning. Santa Misa y Consagración a los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María ante el Monumento al Sagrado Corazón de María de San Juan de...

    • Posted April 1, 2012
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  • Brotherhood of Borriquita
    Nazareno letter from a father

    Dear son: Sorry to write this letter you never read, although I'm tempted to send it to Burgos to publish it in the box, because I think that in Seville many other parents will feel the joy and....

    • Posted March 31, 2012
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  • Sandals nazareno
    A Nazarene on the balcony

    Alfalfa has an old color in this morning drizzle first Friday of March, as the voice of a bolt plate. You realize there. You meet it head. Es un cartel sobre...

    • Posted March 31, 2012
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  • Besamanos of Great Power and the Lord of Health. Besapié in Passion

    Day 1 of April. Gypsies. After the Mass 10:30 And till 21:00. Besamanos Our Father Jesus of Health. Great power. Besamanos Our Father Jesus of Great Power. 8 a 22 hours. Passion. 10...

    • Posted March 31, 2012
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  • Last minute details on Fifth Anguish

    Todo se va preparando en la Hermandad de la Quinta Angustia. Today Friday 30 March go out the details of this impressive passage of Easter week.  

    • Posted March 30, 2012
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