- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts by Semana Santa
01 of July. Presentation to the Council
General Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods. Presentation of the IV national meeting of young people from Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods, that will be celebrated on days 28, 29 Y 30 October in Palencia. Council headquarters located on San.. Street..
- Posted July 1, 2016
30 of June. Eucharistic adoration in Peace
Paz. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and subsequent blessing and Reserve. Parroquia de San Sebastián located in Calle San Salvador, 1. 30 of June. 19:15 a 20:00 hours
- Posted June 30, 2016
29 of June. Triduum to Blessed Sacrament
San Gonzalo. Solemn Sacramental Triduum with the following order of worship: Major Exposition of the Holy, Holy Rosary, then blessing and reservation of the Holy, exercise of the Triduum and Eucharist. Parish of San Gonzalo located in the...
- Posted June 29, 2016
25 of June. Divina Pastora delivery of Souls
Pastora Capuchins. Awards “Blessed Diego José de Cádiz”. Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels, del Convento de Capuchinos, sita en la Ronda de Capuchinos. 25 of June. 20:30 a 21:30 hours
- Posted June 26, 2016
Tómbola of O 2016
TÓMBOLA OF O 2016 23, 24 Y 25 of June. Starting at 21:00 hours Paseo de Nuestra Señora de la O Selecto Ambigú with popular home prices Tapas Enjoy a friendly atmosphere and ...
- Posted June 25, 2016
24 of June. Mass in the Divine Shepherdess of Souls
Pastora Capuchins. Solemn Mass in commemoration CCCXIII of the inspiration of the Divine Pastor of Souls Crowned to the venerable Father Isidoro. Convent of the Capuchins located in the Ronda de Capuchinos. In conclusion, procesión Claustral...
- Posted June 24, 2016
24 of June. Iguala of the Divina Pastora of Souls
Pastora de Triana. Iguala Costaleros the passage of the Divina Pastora of Souls. Hermandad house situated in Street Rodrigo de Triana, 76. The foreman is Julian Huertas Villa. 24 of June. 21:30 a 23:30 hours
- Posted June 24, 2016
23 of June. Eucharistic adoration in San Roque
San Roque. “Thursday Eucharistic”, consisting of solemn exposition of his Divine Majesty, Blessing, Reserve and Mass, ending with Salve sung to Our Lady of Grace and Hope. Parroquia de San Roque, sita en la Plaza de Carmen...
- Posted June 23, 2016
23 of June. Triduum to Christ of Providence
Servitas. Solemn Triduum in honor of the Holy Christ of Providence with the following order of worship: Mayor station, Triduum exercise, Blessing, Reserve and Holy Mass occupying the sacred chair Andrés Ybarra Satrústegui. Virgin Chapel of the...
- Posted June 23, 2016
23 of June. Conferencia en Vera-Cruz
Vera-Cruz. Conferencia final de curso bajo el título “Las pinturas murales de la Capilla del Dulce Nombre de Jesús. Hipótesis histórica y restauración” a cargo de: Juan Aguilar Gutiérrez, director de Ágora Restauraciones de Arte, S.L. Alberto Arenillas...
- Posted June 23, 2016