- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts by Semana Santa
San Buenaventura: Triduum to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Guadalupe of San Buenaventura. Solemn Extraordinary Triduum in honor of Ntra. Mrs. Guadalupe, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the making of the Blessed Virgin, in the Conventual Church of San Buenaventura, sita en la calle Carlos...
- Posted February 19, 2020
Besapiés solemn Mass and the Holy Christ of Calvary
Pontifical and Royal Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Christ of Calvary and Our Lady of the Presentation Parish of the Magdalena (C / San Pablo) Sunday 25 February at 10.30 h, Mass before ...
- Posted February 19, 2020
Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2020
Knows all the data on the itinerary, schedule and route of the Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2020 Real, Illustrious and Fervent Sacramental Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesus of ...
- Posted February 17, 2020
Main function of the Institute to the Virgen de la Soledad
Real, Illustrious and Franciscan Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Cross on Mount Calvary, Holy Christ of Salvation and Our Lady of Soledad Convent of St. Bonaventure (C / Carlos Cañal). Sunday 24...
- Posted March 22, 2019
Triduum and solemn function to Our Lady of the Incarnation Crowned
Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament, Pontifical, Royal and Ancient Confraternity of Nazarenes of the Holy Presentation of Jesus to the People, Holy Christ of the Blood, Our Lady of the Incarnation Coronada and San Benito Abad Triduum to our ...
- Posted March 21, 2019
Triduum to Our Lady of Solitude of San Buenventura
The real, Illustrious and Franciscan Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Cross on Mount Calvary, Holy Christ of Salvation and Our Lady of Solitude SOLEMN Triduum to Our Lady of the ...
- Posted March 19, 2019
Besapiés the Holy Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Illustrious and Sacramental Lasallian Brotherhood of the Holy Cross and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lady of Aurora and San Juan Bautista Church of Santa Marina (C / San Luis)...
- Posted March 15, 2019
Besapiés the Lord of the Sovereign Power. Brotherhood of San Gonzalo
Pontifical and Royal Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesus of Sovereign Power before Caiaphas, Our Lady of Health and Saint John the Evangelist Parish of San Gonzalo (Plaza de San Gonzalo)...
- Posted March 15, 2019
Transfer from Santa Ana Star until his chapel
Pontifical Real, Illustrious and Fervent Sacramental Brotherhood and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of Our Father Jesus of Sorrows and the Virgin of the Star, Triumph of Santo Lignum Crucis, San Francisco de Paula, and Santas Justa y ...
- Posted March 15, 2019
Besapiés and levees in Carretería
Pontifical and Royal Confraternity of Nazarenes of the Holy Christ of Health, Virgin of the Light in the Sacred Mystery of its Three Needs to Pie de la Santa Cruz, San Francisco de Paula, Glorious Resurrection ...
- Posted March 15, 2019