- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts by Semana Santa
23 from January. Quinary the Lord of the Agony in the Garden
Monte-Sion. Solemne Quinario en honor del Señor de la Sagrads Oración en el Huerto dando comienzo con rezo del Santo Rosario, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, exercise Pentads, blessing, reserva y Santa Misa, con homilia a cargo de...
- Posted January 23, 2016
23 from January. Exhibition in San Roque
San Roque. Cofrade art exhibition, Pentads the occasion of the Lord of Sorrows in time 19 Pentads to start and conclude this. Casa Hermandad sita en la calle Virgen de Gracia...
- Posted January 23, 2016
23 from January. Quinario al Señor de las Penas
San Roque. Solemne Quinario en honor de Nustro Padre Jesús de las Penas con el siguiente orden de cultos: Holy Rosary, Ejercicio del Quinario y a continuación Santa Misa, a cargo de Ramón Valdivia Giménez, parish priest...
- Posted January 23, 2016
22 from January. Igualá en San Gonzalo
San Gonzalo. Igualá de costaleros del paso de palio de Nuestra Señora de la Salud. Hermandad house located at Avenida. Coria, 13 El capataz es Luis Miguel Garduño Lara. 22 from January. 21:30 a 22:30 hours
- Posted January 22, 2016
22 from January. Conference in the Holy Shroud
Sagrada Mortars. Conference within programming “Once Viernes” about the topic “Seville Baroque imagery School:Montanes Roldan”, by Manuel Jesús Roldán Salgueiro. Ex-Convento de Santa Maria de La Paz, located at ...
- Posted January 22, 2016
22 from January. Same at the Museum
Museum. Igualá de costaleros of the pallium passage of María Santísima de las Aguas. Chapel Museum located at the Museum Square. The foreman is José Manuel Valenzuela Pérez. 22 from January. 21:00 a 23:00 hours
- Posted January 22, 2016
22 from January. Transfer the Cristo de Burgos
Cristo de Burgos. Solemn Mass and subsequent transfer of the image of the Holy Christ of Burgos from its chapel to the main altar of the Parish of San Pedro located in the Plaza de San Pedro. 22 from...
- Posted January 22, 2016
22 from January. Iguala in Macarena
Macarena. Igualá from the canopy step of Santa María de la Esperanza Macarena. Basilica of Santa Maria de la Esperanza Macarena located in Calle Becquer, 1. The foreman general is Manuel Antonio Santiago Muñoz. 22 from January....
- Posted January 22, 2016
22 from January. Training in Santa Marta
Santa Marta. 3Th session of the cycle “Christianity and Society” under the title “Lo que hace nuestra mano derecha… Introducción al documento: “La iglesia servidora de los pobres”, y acercamiento a Cáritas Parroquial. 22 from January. 20:30 a 22:00...
- Posted January 22, 2016
22 from January. Triduum of the Blessed Sacrament
Polygon San Pablo. Solemn Triduum in honor of the Blessed Sacrament in the following order: Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento y Santa Misa, ocupando la Sagrada Cátedra fray Pedro Fernández Alejo, O.SS.T. pastor and spiritual director. Parish of San Ignacio ...
- Posted January 22, 2016