- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts by Semana Santa
26 from January. Star Formation
The star. VI edición del aula de teología “Virgin of the Star”. Este año las ponencias estarán relacionadas con el tema de “La realidad familiar sevillana hoy”. Casa Hermandad sita en la calle Nuestro Padre Jesús de las...
- Posted January 26, 2016
26 from January. Iguala in Hiniesta
Hiniesta. Iguala Costaleros the passage of the Virgin of the Hiniesta Dolorosa. Plaza de San Julián 2-4. The general foreman is Rafael Ariza Moreno. 26 from January. 21:00 a 23:00 hours
- Posted January 26, 2016
26 February. Presentación en Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz. Presentación del cartel que con motivo del Año Santo de la Misericordia ha realizado el fotógrafo Javier Rizo Gallart. Parish of Santa Cruz located in Calle Mateos Gago. 26 from January. 20:30 a 21:30 hours
- Posted January 26, 2016
25 from January. Iguala in Hiniesta
Hiniesta. Iguala bearers of the Blessed Christ of the Good Death. Brotherhood house located in the Plaza de San Julián, 2-4. The general foreman is Rafael Ariza Moreno. 25 from January. 21:00 a 23:00 hours
- Posted January 25, 2016
25 from January. Iguala in Love
Love. Equalizes the passage of the Holy Christ of Love. Brotherhood house located in the street Galindo, 5. The foreman is José María Rojas Marcos Castelló. 25 from January. 21:00 a 22:30 hours
- Posted January 25, 2016
25 from January. Iguala in Vera-Cruz
Vera-Cruz. Iguala Costaleros step pallium of Our Lady of Sorrows. Casa Hermandad located on Miguel Cid street, 16. The foreman is Luis León Pérez. 25 from January. 21:00 a 23:30
- Posted January 25, 2016
25 from January. Triduum the Infant Jesus of Prague
Carmen de Santo Angel. Solemn Triduum to the Miraculous Child Jesus of Prague presided over by the Community of Discalced Carmelites. Conventual Church of the Holy Angel. 23 a 25 from January. 20:00 a 21:30 hours
- Posted January 25, 2016
25 from January. Iguala in Redemption
Redemption. Iguala Costaleros the passage of mystery of Our Father Jesus of Redemption. Church of Santiago located in the Plaza of Our Father Jesus of Redemption. The foreman is Francisco Aguilar Reguera. 25 from January....
- Posted January 25, 2016
24 from January. Solemn function to the Virgin of Peace
Santa Cruz. Solemn function in honor of Our Lady of La Paz with homily by the spiritual director, Pedro Ybarra Hidalgo. Parish of Santa Cruz located in Calle Mateos Gago. 24 from January. 20:00 a 21:15...
- Posted January 24, 2016
24 from January. Concert in the industrial area of San Pablo
Polygon San Pablo. charity concert which will involve the following musical groups: CC. y TT. “Our Lady of the Angels” A.M. “Jesús Caído” de Montoro. CC. y TT. “Our Lady of the Rosary” de Arriate. A.M. “Christ ...
- Posted January 24, 2016