Armaos in San Lorenzo

By on 6 April 2012

Julius Caesar, when he conquered Gaul,, He did not bring so many feathers as tamborería not bring the Capuchins Street, trompeterías old filling balconies geraniums. Because they come conquering Sevilla, ran, cataplán, El Pasito stay and dragged, Torero paseíllo compass, joy on the face, Never have so many drums and many feathers were reached with the legions as they arrive with this Centuria, as our, as old, ran, cataplán, Sevilla conquering coming in this afternoon of Thursday.

Armaos de la MacarenaThey left very early along the ramparts. The armaos can not leave rather than alongside the walls. They say they are fishmongers of the Incarnation; decurión you see that that has a position on the street gandinga Anchalaferia; undressing carries the spear and compass beery, Mairena sells oranges and melons Los Palacios. They are leaving only today say, afternoon when all the old quicksilver mirrors all the old two-door cabinets Macarena are filled with feathers and breastplates. Do not believe those who say such. They are real soldiers of Rome. A captain who sends Julius Caesar left him here to look after him farmhouse, once surrounded the city walls and tall towers where today could echo his drums, where they could be shaken, how much gallantry in the torero little step that bring, ran, cataplán, his feathers. Ved the face of the captain who sends. You can not be a child of the people of the gandinga and collards. While you pay attention, It has the profile of marble old patrician of Andalusia. Today you have given permission in Italica and has been out of Armação in Macarena. All have left the old turreted, zaquizamíes of the House of Pilate that still flutters heard the cock San Pedro.

And they come to San Lorenzo. Julius Caesar, when he conquered Gaul,, It not so much brought imperial tamborería as it brings the Macarena, Senate Seville, when he gets in the old quarter of lords. Now they have changed the beat of the drums. no longer sounds like a cakewalk. Now touch slow, and slowly they made their way. Vedle, how many Roma Andalusian, move towards the doors of the Great Power. The doors are open. Baetica always opens the door to Rome, so that we stay. Inside is another Sevilla. There is a man in pain, black complexion, on velvets and gold. There is no one in the church. Only an escort ago she is defending him from the gods of Rome. Ten, Nazarenes twelve high with black tunic, like statues. And the drums still sound. Drag and winged feet these Mercurios of the market on the marble fair promises. And drums resound under the dome. Nazarenes and blacks are more sculpted, more painted than ever. A stay Propel, of paseíllo, ran, cataplán, Roma goes to the Counter-. Surrenders to Apollo Dionysus naked sword of Mars.

And something has to happen, some battle in San Lorenzo this afternoon. For the proud soldiers Macarenos, feathers and drum, They entered as pintureros, ran, cataplán, crying out. The drum is still ringing, compass in the feathers, Art in step, but bring the glazed eyes, and it is not brandy. Men like ratchets, so Macarena, They are thrilled to the sight of the pounce, escorted her black Nazarenes. Two Sevillas facing, the apolíneamente so serene in the Man of the Cross, the other as dionisiac baroque breastplates and spring in feigned, on spears that have not seen more blood than the position of the Incarnation where they sold meat toro bravo to the altar, with tree, of the rite of the Maestranza.

Never was, never, Bética in a battle as bloodless as this afternoon in San Lorenzo. Julius Caesar never brought so much tamborería. Today we know that Roma loses. Today, San Lorenzo, the old Roman marble heads of Italica out with a tear in my eyes. Proven defeat, again return to the walls of the Macarena to surrender to the mother who gave birth to the one who does mourn the legions of Rome.

Antonio Burgos / Easter boxes
Collected in the book “Sevilla hundred boxes”

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