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28 of May. Procession of Mary Help of Christians

Archconfraternity of Mary Help of Christians. Processional departure of the images of San Juan Bosco and María Auxiliadora Coronada. Itinerary: Maria Auxiliadora, Round of Mary Help of Christians, Carretera de Carmona, San Juan Bosco, Square of Antonio Martelo, San Juan Bosco, Venice, Urquiza, Arroyo, Joaquín Morales y Torres, Round of Mary Help of Christians, Veronica, roosters, Sol, Mother Elizabeth of the Trinity, Round of Mary Help of Christians and Mary Help of Christians.
The foremen are Carlos and Joaquín Hernández with Fernando Aguado in the Santo and Antonio Santiago with his son in the Virgen.
The musical accompaniment will be provided by the musical group “Our Father Jesus of Health” and the Band “Our Lady of Victory” Brotherhood of the Cigar.
28 of May. 19:00 a 23:45 hours