• 14 from January. Seville Brotherhood of Bakers Coexistence of..

    3ª sesión del II ciclo de formación de las hermandades de la feligresía de San Andrés bajo el títuloLa Belleza de la Reconciliación: dejarse tocar el corazón”. Capilla San Andrés sita en la calle Orfila. 14...

    • Posted January 14, 2016
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  • 14 from January. Coexistence of the Brotherhoods of Friday and Saturday of Passion

    Dolores de Torreblanca. Convivencia de las Hermandades que procesional el Viernes de Dolores y Sábado de Pasión comenzando con la celebración de Santa Misa. Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua located in the Plaza de las Acacias s / n ....

    • Posted January 14, 2016
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  • 14 from January. Eucharistic Adoration in Santa Genoveva

    santa Genoveva. Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament presided over by Antonio Palma Palacio, pastor and spiritual director. Parroquia de Nuestra de las Mercedes y Santa Genoveva, located at Avenida. Theatiner. 14 from January. 20:00 a 20:30...

    • Posted January 14, 2016
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  • 14 from January. Training in San Gil

    Brotherhoods of San Gil. III training course of the brotherhoods of the Parishes of San Julián, santa Marina, San Marcos, San Gil y All Saints. 4Th session entitled “Sacramento de la Penitencia” in charge of...

    • Posted January 14, 2016
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  • 14 from January. Presentation at the Trinity

    Trinidad. Presentation of the poster and site ballot for the Via Crucis of the HH. and CC. que presidirá el Santísimo Cristo de las Cinco Llagas cuyo autores son Fernando Aguado Hernández y Antonio José Medina Vallecillo respectivamente. Living room...

    • Posted January 14, 2016
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  • 13 from January. Formation in the Holy Burial

    Entombment. 5Th session of the training course on the works of mercy under the slogan “Burying the dead” by Marcelino Manzano Vilches, diocesan delegate of the HH. and CC. Iglesia del Santo Sepúlcro y San...

    • Posted January 13, 2016
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  • 13 from January. Star Formation

    Star. VI edición del aula de teología “Virgin of the Star”. Este año las ponencias estarán relacionadas con el tema deLa realidad familiar sevillana hoy”. Casa Hermandad sita en la calle NuestroAdre Jesús de las Penas, 4....

    • Posted January 13, 2016
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  • 13 from January. Training in Santa Genoveva

    santa Genoveva. XII course of the brotherhood training school under the motto “Disciplinas artísticas en la Semana Santa de Sevilla: Iconografía y simbología”. Home store located in Calle Angel Ganivet, 11. 1ª sesión: “La Semana Santa...

    • Posted January 13, 2016
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  • 13 from January. The same as the Infant Jesus of Prague

    Carmen de Santo Angel. The same as the passage of the Miraculous Child Jesus of Prague. Conventual Church of the Holy Angel located at calle Rioja. The foreman is José Manuel Palomo Rodríguez. 13 from January. 21:00 a 22:30 hours

    • Posted January 13, 2016
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  • 13 from January. Blood Donation in San Esteban

    San Esteban. Donación de sangre y plasma de todos los grupos sanguíneos en horario de 17:00 a 21:00 horas en colaboración con el Centro de Transfusión Sanguíneo de Sevilla. Casa Hermandad sita en la calle Juan de la...

    • Posted January 13, 2016
    • 0
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