• Foot kisser of the Lord of Redemption 2013

    Solemn and devoted Besapiés in honor of Our Father Jesus of Redemption. Church of Santiago located in the Plaza of Our Father Jesus of Redemption. Schedule: Saturday 18:00 a 21:00 Hours Sunday All the...

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Meditation before Our Father Jesus of the Passion 2013

    VIII Meditation before Our Father Jesus of the Passion by Sister Ana Moreno Muñoz. Sacramental chapel

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Musical Offering to Our Father Jesus Descended (Sagrada Mortars) 2013

    voices solidarity. Musical offering before Our Father Jesus Descended from the Cross in the Mystery of his Sacred Shroud and Holy Mary of Mercy. For the benefit of the welfare works of the Brotherhood. Church of the Ex-Convent...

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Besapiés levees and the Good End 2013

    Solemn and devout Besapiés in honor of the Holy Christ of the Good End and levees in honor of Our Lady of La Palma Crowned. Conventual Church of San Antonio de Padua, located in Calle San Vicente, 91....

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Extraordinary Exit 2013. Modesty (Poligono San Pablo)

    Extraordinary departure of both holders in the passage of Christ. Itinerary: Christ and Soul Square (18:00 hours), Avda. of the sun, Sinai, Ferdinand of the Thumb, Peter of Cieza, Maria Josepha of Segovia, Red Zorilla, Agustín Moreto,...

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Besapiés Christ of Thirst. 2013

    Solemn and devout Besapiés in honor of Stmo. Christ of Thirst. Immaculate Conception Parish. Schedule of 9:00 a 21.00 hours.

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Lenten Cycle 2013. Macarena District

    Cofrade Music Concert by the Maestro Tejera Music Band in the Plaza de Rayo de Luna.

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Tertulia Cofrade “Macarenos of Atrio” 2013

    During a lunch appointment tribute Macareno delivery of the Year 2012 D. José Costas Ruiz, Technical Mining Engineer. Hotel Fernando III

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Peace and Mercy Processional Departure (Rochelambert) 2013

    Processional exit (18:00). Itinerary: Parish of San Luis and San Fernando, Juan Carvallo, Puerto de la Mora, Port of Los Alazores, Port of Ora, Port of the Pigeons, Avda. of Gavilanes, Shield Harbor, Port of...

    • Posted February 16, 2013
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  • Stabat Mater in the Puppy. 2013

    Mr. Antonio Castaño Juncá will deliver the “The Master was standing” to the Virgin of Patronage. Basilicia del Stmo. Christ of the Expiration, located in Calle Castilla. El acopañamiento musical estará a cargo de la Coral del Puerto de Santa...

    • Posted February 16, 2013
    • 0
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