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20 of September. procession of the Divina Pastora of Souls

Pastora de Santa Marina. Processional departure of the Divine Shepherdess of Souls passing through the streets of the parish, with the following schedule: Protection, Mother Mary of the Immaculate, fair, Plaza de San Juan de la Palma, Holy Spirit, Castellar, Churruca, infants, Saint Blaise, El Cronista Plaza, Divina Pastora, González Cuadrado, Green cross, Palacios Malaver, fair, retirees, Mother Mary of the Immaculate and Amparo.
The foreman is M. Antonio Santiago Muñoz and the musical accompaniment will be provided by the Musical Group “Veteran Sevilla”, making way and the zmusic band “Nuestra Señora del Sol”, after the Virgin.
20 of September. 19:00 a 23:30 hours
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