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12 of September. Processional exit of Our Lady of Juncal

REAL BROTHERHOOD OF BLESSED SACRAMENT, OUR FATHER JESUS CAPTIVE IN HIS SOLITUDE, Nuestra Señora del Juncal and the Virgin of Hope, Queen of Martyrs.
Foundation: 1968
Temple: Nustra church Señora del Juncal
commissioner: José Antonio Fajardo Romero
Image: Nuestra Señora del Juncal (José Rivera Gacia)
Dressing image: Manuel López Luna
Foreman: José Manuel Palomo Rodriguez and Alfredo García Vera
musical accompaniment: Musca band Red Cross.
Processional exit: Departure 19:30, Saddle, ARAQUIL, Nalón, ARAQUIL, Alberche, Mayor Juan Fernández, Avda. Ramón y Cajal, Pablo Legote, Mother Isabel Morenote, Claudio Guerin, Mayor Juan Fernández, Almar, Tambre, Deva, Plaza Juncal, Arlazón, Segre, Entry (23:45).
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